The Regional Centers are:

Acre        Amapá         Coari            Humaitá            Manaus            Rondônia            Roraima            Santarém            São Gabriel            Sinop            Tefé

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Santarém Regional Center

The CENBAM Regional Center in Santarém-PA has an office at the Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará (UFOPA) -Tapajós campus , and works together with several institutions as per the following.
Santarém and this region are also part of the Regional Biodiversity Research Center of Western Pará (PPBio Amazônia Oriental), which is headquartered at the Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi.
The center has plots distributed in the Alter do Chão region, covering areas of savanna, forest fragments and continuous forest and five RAPELD research modules in the Tapajós FLONA, in areas of both managed and continuous forest.

Documentário Tapajós Biodiversidade Link opens in YouTube.

The Alter do Chão Region.

There are many  ecological research sites in the region. Researchers linked to CENBAM have been conducting scientific research in the Alter do Chão region (in the municipality of Santarém) since the 90s, and supported the creation of the Alter do Chão APA, which was established by Legislative Decree No. 17771 on July 2nd, 2003 and which covers an area of 16,180 hectares. (Ana Albernaz (2004). )
In the Alter do Chão region 64 plots are distributed in areas of savannah, fragments and continuous forest (figure below) and research is being done on biodiversity (floristic composition studies with frogs, lizards, beetles, birds, mites and ants) and ecosystem processes like carbon flow C3 and C4 plants to higher trophic levels in the savannah areas. Many papers have been published about this region. Click here for publications.
Map showing the distribution of permanent plots in the Alter do Chão region.
Currently, a new detailed geo-referencing survey on the conditions of each plot is in progress, so you can obtain more accurate information about the areas.
There is no housing infrastructure for researchers in the area where there are the majority of plots. However, as the area is near the city of Santarém, it is possible for researchers go to the field and return to the city, or even to stay in some of the hotels that are along the road that connects Santarem to Ponta de Pedras or the Alter do Chão area.
Some Alter do Chão residents have worked helping researchers and they have a lot of knowledge about the area and the location of the plots in the area. For the location of the plots on the savannah areas, contact Mr. Deco (93-91321449) and to find plots in forest areas contact Edivaldo Farias (93-92164123).
It is essential for any research that is carried out in the region to be notified to the coordinator of CENBAM- William Magnusson, because of the long-term research that is being carried out in the plots of the Alter do Chão region.
The Tapajós National Forest
The Tapajós National Forest was created by Decree 73684 of 19/02/74, and was the 13th National Forest created in the country and the second in the North and the state of Pará.
Five RAPELD modules were installed in the Tapajós National Forest (FLONA Tapajós) for the  CENÁRIOS Project. Two were in forested areas with managed timber extraction (Km 67 and 83) and three modules were installed undisturbed areas (Km 117 and 134). Partner institutions include Integrated College of Tapajós, ICMBio Santarém, Mixed Cooperative of Flona Tapajós (COOMFLONA), EMBRAPA Eastern AmazonParaense Emilio Goeldi Museum e INPA. Update: one of the Flona Tapajós modules was on Indigenous land and has recently been demarcated (all km from module 83).
The Flona Tapajós has accommodation that can be used by authorized researchers. For information on entry into the Tapajós National Forest research infrastructure see their site. For information about research currently being carried out in FLONA, contact Rodrigo Fadini (
The LBA - Programa de grande escala da Biosfera-Atmosfera na Amazônia has a research site in Flona Tapajós (KM-83) with adequate infrastructure for receiving researchers and students, as well as several meteorological towers and at various other locations in the western region of Pará (figure below). The coordinates of the towers can be found here. The program installed permanent plots (map) and has been conducting experiments in the area since the 1990s. See the website LBA for information on the research site and their completed research. For information on access to the area and the use of infrastructure, contact the regional office in Santarém.
Map with the distribution of meteorological towers in the Tapajós National Forest area.
The National Institute of Amazonian Research (INPA) has a regional office in Santarém. For information about INPA activities in the region, contact Dr. Jorge Port,
RAS- Rede Amazônia Sustentável
While CENBAM coordinates a network of Amazonian institutions and extra-Amazonian involved in biodiversity studies seeking to create and consolidate production chains based on scientific knowledge that originate from biodiversity studies generating information and products, another initiative that has been implemented in the region and worth mentioning is the RAS network (Sustainable Amazon network) which seeks to assess the sustainability of land use at multiple scales in two very dynamic regions in the eastern Amazon, once rapid social and ecological changes have brought uncertainty over the future of the region.
For more details on the RAS network and see your goals
Nucleus Research Support in Pará (Nappa)
Linked to the coordination of Strategic Actions (COAE) of the National Institute of Amazonian Research (INPA / MCTIC), the Center for Research Support in Pará (Nappa), represented by the researcher of INPA, Jorge Porto, seeks to identify the main challenges and opportunities science, technology and innovation in western Pará (PA), in universities, colleges, institutes and non-governmental organizations based in Santarem, to support the work of the INPA locally.
Contact: Jorge Porto
Contacts Regional Center Santarém: 
Current account:
Leandro Giacomin (coordinator) and Amanda Mortati (deputy coordinator)
E-mail for contact:
Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará-UFOPA
Unidade Amazônia
Avenida Mendonça Furtado, n. 2946, Sala 519
Bairro Fátima, Santarém, Pará, Brasil - CEP:68040-470
Regional coordinator: Rodrigo da Silva 
Rua 24 de Outubro, 3707, Caixa Postal 31, Salé
Santarém – PA, CEP 68040-010
Fone/FAX (55 93) 3523-4138; 3523-3470; 3523-3844; 3523-3466
Regional office LBA Santarém:
Jorge Porto 
Nucleus Research Support in Pará (Nappa)
Administrative Manager LBA / Santarem: Elizangela Rebelo
Coordinator CENBAM
William Magnusson