The Rondônia Regional Nucleus was created in 2006. In 2007-2008, the support infrastructure was reformed and expanded. In 2008, a grid was installed, with PPBio-MCT resources, at the Cuniã Ecological Station (RO). Between 2007-2008, the ESEC support infrastructure was reformed and expanded and IBAMA purchased a van for work at ESEC. The core has five partner institutions since its inception in 2006: Universidade Federal de Rondônia (UNIR), EMBRAPA/RO, Faculdade São Lucas de Porto Velho (FSL) , IBAMA/RO and Núcleo Regional de Pesquisas do INPA/RO - NPRO. In 2008, the Management Council added four other institutions: the State Secretariat for Environmental Development of Rondônia (SEDAM), the Municipal Environment Secretariat (SEMA), the Amazon Protection System (SIPAM) and the Brazilian Geological Survey (CPRM).
Between 9 and 15 August 2008, PPBio and UNIR conducted a course on biological inventories for 16 UNIR Biology students at the Cuniã Ecological Station, taught by William Magnusson, Flávia Costa and Fabrício Baccaro (from INPA), by teachers Of UNIR (Carolina Doria, Angelo Manzatto, Malu Messias and Alexandre de Almeida e Silva) and four monitors.
In 2009, the ESEC CUNIÁ grid and some modules in the Amazonian fields in the CUNIA-JACUNDA-Rondônia Complex will be inventoried, for small mammals and medium mammals, floristic composition and vegetation structure, abiotic factors (soil and hydrology), fish, arachnids, Herpetofauna.
Carolina Rodrigues da Costa Doria
Coordenadora do Núcleo PPBio-RO
Laboratório de Ictiologia.
Telefone: (69) 21822215.
Rubiani de Cássia Paggoto
Departamento de Biologia
Universidade Federal de Rondônia - UNIR
Ângelo Gilberto Manzatto
Núcleo PPBio-RO
Departamento de Biologia
Universidade Federal de Rondônia - UNIR