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Dr. William Ernest Magnusson
coordinator of PPBio, has been a researcher at INPA since 1979. He is a fellow of CNPq productivity level 1A, has published 151 articles on a wide range of taxonomic groups, and has a special interest in multidisciplinary sample designs (Magnusson et al . 2005, 2008a, 2008b). He has mentored 26 masters and 17 doctorates on the  INPA Ecology Graduate Program. He is the author of a statistics book published in Portuguese (Magnusson & Mourão 2006a) and English (Magnusson & Mourão 2006b) that is used by many undergraduate courses in Brazil. he has been accredited by the Wildlife Society (USA) and is a member of the editorial board of several prominent international journals and a member of the IUCN Crocodile Specialist Group. He is deputy coordinator of the executor core of  PPBio Program in the Western Amazon.
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia – INPA
Coordenação de Pesquisas em Ecologia – CPEC
Avenida Efigênio Sales, 2239, CEP: 69011-970,
Manaus, Amazonas Brasil
Telefone: +55 92 3643 1834 

Dr. Márcio Lúz de Oliveira
component collections coordinator and researcher at INPA since 2002, specializes in plant interactions and taxonomy, biogeography and bee ecology, with 15 published articles. He has been coordinator of the Department of Entomology at INPA since 2007, and is a professor in the Postgraduate Program in Entomology at INPA, having trained two masters to date.

Dra. Ana Lúcia Tourinho
has a master's degree in Biological Sciences (Zoology) from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, a doctorate in Biological Sciences (Ecology) and a post-doctorate in Biological Sciences (Zoology) from the National Institute for Research in the Amazon. She is currently a newly doctored researcher at the National Research Institute of the Amazon, a collaborating researcher at the Arachnology Laboratory at the National Museum / UFRJ, and at the Arachnological Collection at the National Research Institute of the Amazon. She was manager of the Biodiversity Research Program (PPBio) in the period 2009-2010, currently coordinating the Scientific Collections research line at INCT / CENBAM and PPBio. He works in the areas of Inventories, Curatorship, Management of Scientific Collections and Data for Ecological Studies of Long Duration, his scientific production, however, has an emphasis on Taxonomy, Systematics, Biogeography and Modeling Distribution of Arachnida species.

Dr. Cecília Nuñez
coordinator of the Thematic Component, has been a researcher at INPA since 2003, and is a specialist in phytochemistry, with 18 published articles on bioprospecting, in addition to having two patent application processes in progress. She is a professor in the graduate programs in Biotechnology and Natural Resources at UEA, and in Biotechnology at UFAM, having trained five masters to date. In 2007 she was elected as a pro tempore member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, northern section, and received the FINEP award, northern stage. She is thematic research coordinator for the Executive Branch of the Western Amazon of the Biodiversity Research Program - PPBio.
Núcleo Regional Manaus

Dr. Fabricio Beggiato Baccaro
Fabricio Baccaro
Dr. Fabricio Baccaro was part of the Biodiversity Research Program - PPBio in Scientific Management and Administration. He holds a degree in Business Administration (Bachelor in 1998) and Biological Sciences (Bachelor in 2004) from the State University of Londrina and a Master's degree in Zoology (Entomology) from the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (2006). He has experience in project management and coordination and works in the area of Ecology, with an emphasis on Community Ecology, Dominance, Wolbachia, Ants.

Dr. Flávia R. Capellotto Costa 
has been a researcher at INPA since 2000 and is currently a fellow at the Djalma Batista Foundation, having recently been approved in the first place in a public contest at the Federal University of Amazonas - UFAM for assistant professor in the area of Ecology. She has 18 articles published on various topics related to plant ecology. She has been a professor in INPA's postgraduate programs in Ecology and Botany since 2000, and coordinated the latter between 2006 and 2007. She has already trained 11 masters and a doctor. In 2007 she was elected as a pro tempore member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, North section.

Dr. Albertina Pimentel Lima 
has been a researcher at INPA since 1989 and specializes in vertebrate ecology. She coordinated the Graduate Program in Ecology at INPA between 2004 and 2006, and also coordinated several international projects involving cooperation with other Amazonian countries. She is a CNPq productivity fellow, level 1C, having published more than 60 articles covering various taxonomic groups, with a special focus on amphibian ecology and biogeography. She has graduated, to date, 17 masters and three doctors.

Dr. Elizabeth Franklin-Chilson 

has been a researcher at INPA since 1984. She is a specialist in entomology, and coordinated the Post-Graduate Program in Entomology at INPA between 1996-1998 and 2000-2004. He has 27 published articles on mite taxonomy and ecology, and on economically efficient methods of entomological sampling. She trained nine masters and a doctor, and is coordinator of biological inventories at the Executive Branch of Western Amazonia of the Biodiversity Research Program - PPBio.

Dr. Jorge I. Rebelo Porto 

has been a researcher at INPA since 1987, having published 27 articles on genetics, genomics and mutagenesis. He coordinated the Department of Aquatic Biology at INPA between 1999 and 2001, and was general coordinator of graduate studies at INPA between 2004 and 2008. He coordinated the INPA team at the GENOMA Project and the Amazon Network GENOMA. He is a professor at the Postgraduate Program in Genetics, Conservation and Evolutionary Biology at INPA, having already trained three masters and two doctors. He participated in the development of technological products including the registration of two biotechnology patents.

Dr. Cláudia Keller 
has a degree in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (1986) and a PhD in Biology from the University of Sevilla and Estación Biológica Doñana (Spain) (1997). She is currently a researcher at the National Institute for Research in the Amazon - INPA and has been coordinating the Graduate Program in Ecology since 2006. She has experience in the area of Ecology, with an emphasis on Vertebrate Ecology, working mainly in the ecology of amphibian and turtle populations and amphibian ecotoxicology.

Dr. Thaise Emilio Lopes de Sousa 

has a degree in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of São Carlos (2005) and a master's degree in Biology (Ecology) from the National Institute for Research in the Amazon (2007). He is currently a doctoral fellow at the National Institute for Research in the Amazon. He has experience in the area of ecology and botany, working mainly on the following themes: ecology and conservation of arecaceae, eco-hydrology, species distribution modeling, geospatial environmental modeling, community ecology, tropical forest ecology, Arecaceae taxonomy

Dr. Juliana Schietti de Almeida

has a degree in Biological Sciences from the State University of Londrina (2001) and a master's degree in Ecology from the National Institute of Research in the Amazon (2007). He received a scholarship from PCI / DTI at the Geographic Information System Laboratory (SIG-Lab) at INPA for 3 years and is currently a doctoral level in the Graduate Program in Ecology at INPA. He has experience in the area of Tropical Forest Ecology, working mainly on the following themes: structure and functioning of the Amazon rainforest and its relationship with climate and water in the soil and use of topographic remote sensing data (SRTM) for environmental modeling.

Maria Carmozina de Araújo 
has a Bachelor's Degree in Science from the 1st Degree from the Federal University of Amazonas (1995) and a Master's in Biological Sciences (Entomology) from the National Institute of Research in the Amazon (2000). She is currently a Level III Technician at the National Research Institute of the Amazon. Has experience in Ecology.
Data Repository Management

Tim Vincent BSc
graduated in Chemical Engineering - Aston University (1985) and studied biology and oceanography at Southampton University, England. Since 2015 he has been responsible for the maintenance and updating of the PPBio website and Data Repository. Experienced in using QGIS to create maps relevant to PPBio's work.  Experienced in internet server installation and maintenance. Experienced in using KNB Morpho software and preparing metadata and data for online use. Experienced in creating and maintaining an LDAP server.

Msc. Flávia Pezzini 

was responsible for data management at PPBio and CENBAM from September 2008 to 2014. Graduated in Biological Sciences at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (2005), Master's degree in Ecology, Conservation and Wildlife Management at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (2008). In his master's degree, he worked in collaboration with the Collaborative Research Network working mainly on the following themes: phenology of dry forests, germination and dispersion of seeds, pollination and community ecology. She is currently a researcher in the Biodiversity Research Program at the National Institute of Amazonian Research (Inpa), the National Institute of Science and Technology for Integrated Studies of Amazonian Biodiversity - CENBAM and in the Project for Data Management of Long-Term Ecological Projects - PELD, performing activities related to data management and metadata of biological surveys and eco-informatics.

Msc. Clóvis Azambuja 

was part of the Biodiversity Research Program - PPBio, in the management of the Data Repository - Nex Manaus since April 2012. He holds a degree in Biological Sciences from the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS, a master's degree in the Postgraduate Program in Botany from the National Institute for Research in the Amazon - INPA. Experience in ecology (seed dispersal) and plant taxonomy, especially on the Lecythidaceae family, the subject of study during his master's degree.

Anne Oliveira BSc
graduated in Technology in Software Development from the Federal Center for Technological Education of Amazonas (2005). Has experience in Computer Science, with emphasis on Programming Languages. She was a fellow in the Biodiversity Research Program - PPBio in the Management of the Data Repository.

Msc. Manoela Lima de Oliveira Borges 
was responsible for the Biological Collections - PPBio. Graduated in Biological Sciences with an emphasis on Ecology from the State University of Santa Cruz in 2003, master's degree in Ecology from the National Institute for Research in the Amazon in March 2007. From April 2007 to the present, she has a scholarship from the Mammal Collection at INPA, where she performs Research and Curation activities. She has experience in the area of Community Ecology, with an emphasis on Applied Ecology and Biology of small mammal conservation and forest fragmentation, curating collections and scientific collections, Taxonomy and Rodent Systematics.
Currículo Lattes:http: //
Scientific Management and Administration

Msc. Fernanda Coelho de Souza 
was a member of the Biodiversity Research Program - PPBio, Inventory Components since September 2011. Graduated in Forestry Engineer, Master in the Forestry Management Laboratory, at the National Institute for Research in the Amazon - INPA. Experience in dendrology, forest inventory, forest management, recovery of degraded areas and silviculture.

Msc. Adriane Aparecida de Morais 
was part of the Biodiversity Research Program - PPBio and has a FAPEAM / INCT CENBAM scholarship since September 2010. Holds a degree in Biological Sciences from the State University of Londrina (2003) and a master's degree in Biology (Ecology) from the National Institute of Research in the Amazon (2006) ). Has experience in Ecology, focusing on Animal Ecology: Large mammals, tapirus terrestris, displacement patterns, Frugivoria, Amazonia and Conservation. Has experience in fauna diagnostics, specialized in mastofauna. She was a CT-Amazônia Scholar, Cnpq, by the National Amazon Research Institute and developed this and other projects in the Jau National Park, AM, as a researcher partner of the Vitória Amazônica Foundation, AM. She worked as a technician in the Community Monitoring Program for Game and Alligator Fauna, at the State Center for Conservation Units CEUC / SDS.

Msc. Taciane Almeida de Oliveira
part of the Biodiversity Research Program - PPBio, Thematic Component since April 2010. Graduated in Biological Sciences - Bachelor's Degree, in 2007 and master's degree in Biological Sciences, area of concentration in Entomology by the Graduate Program in Entomology at the National Institute Amazon / INPA Research Center.

Andresa Saraiva

has been part of the Biodiversity Research Program - PPBio in Administrative Management since 2005. She is a graduate student in the Administration course - UNIASSELVI.

Coari Regional Center

Dr. Fernando Pimentel Mendonça

holds a degree in Biological Sciences - Bachelor and Licentiate Degree from the State University of Maringá (1999), Master and Doctorate in Biology (Ecology) from the National Institute for Research in the Amazon (2002). He is an Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Amazonas, at the Institute of Health and Biotechnology of Coari. Has experience in Ecology, with an emphasis on Community Ecology, acting mainly on the following topics: Beta diversity, Community structure, Stream ichthyofauna, Environmental Impact Assessment. For 12 years he has been studying the ecological mechanisms and anthropic impacts that influence the diversity of fish in the upland streams located in the Amazon rainforest, with special attention to regions still without surveys or with a potential risk of environmental impact.
Regional Center Humaitá
Dr. Marcelo Rodrigues dos Anjos
graduated in Biological Sciences (2002) and Master in Regional Development and Environment from Fundação Federal University of Rondônia (2009). He is a professor at the Federal University of Amazonas at the Institute of Education, Agriculture and Environment - IEAA, Vale do Rio Madeira Campus in Humaitá / AM. He is coordinator of the Regional Nucleus of the Biodiversity Research Program (PPBio) in Humaitá-AM, works as a collaborating researcher at the Center for Studies on Culture and the Environment of the Amazon - RIOTERRA / RO. They have experience in research projects in the areas of ecology with an emphasis on population ecology, acting mainly on the following themes: conservation, ecology, zoology, protected areas and protected areas, territorial and environmental management, ordering and management of natural resources.
 Núcleo Regional São Gabriel da Cachoeira
Moisés Luiz da Silva

is part of the Biodiversity Research Program from February 2011 to January 2012. He has a high school education from the State School of High School, in the municipality of São Gabriel da Cachoeira (2006). He has experience in the area of Ecology and is the coordinator of the Regional Center of São Gabriel a Cachoeira.
Email:; William Magnusson  

Núcleo Regional Acre

Dr. Marcos Silveira

coordinator of the Núcleo Regional Acre has been a researcher at the Federal University of Acre - UFAC since 1992, and will be a member of the Executive Committee of CENBAM. He published extensively on the flora of Acre and coordinated several multi-institutional research programs. He coordinated UFAC's Graduate Program in Ecology and Natural Resource Management between 2003 and 2005, and also coordinates the Acre nucleus of the Biodiversity Research Program - PPBio.
Roraima Regional Center
Dr. Marcos Vital
he has been a researcher at the Federal University of Roraima - UFRR since 1993, and is the coordinator of the Núcleo Regional Roraima. He specializes in environmental microbiology and the quality of water and soil resources. He has coordinated the Post-Graduate Program in Natural Resources at UFRR since 2001.
Dr. Reinaldo Imbrozio
graduated in Forest Engineering from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (1984), master's and doctorate in Biology (Ecology) from the National Institute of Research in the Amazon - INPA (1994; 2001). He is currently Full Researcher at INPA, CNPq Productivity Scholarship and Professor at the Post-Graduate Program in Natural Resources (PRONAT / UFRR), where he guides and teaches classes. His areas of interest are related to the impacts resulting from human activity in Amazonian Ecosystems, with an emphasis on climate change, forest fires and ecology / conservation of regional savannas. His works can be found at
Msc. Ricardo Perdiz
has been part of the Biodiversity Research Program - PPBIO in data management since November 2011. Graduated in Biological Sciences at the State University of Santa Cruz - UESC (2009), Master in Botany at the State University of Feira de Santana - UEFS (2011 ). During the master's degree, he worked with taxonomy of Sapindaceae in areas of montane forest in southern Bahia, Brazil. He is currently a researcher at the National Institute of Science and Technology for Integrated Studies of Amazonian Biodiversity / INCT CENBAM, responsible for managing the data repository of PPBIO - Núcleo Regional RR. It works mainly with taxonomy of angiosperms (Order Sapindales), phytosociology, interactive keys and data management and biological metadata.
Dra. Carolina Castilho
graduated in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (1997), master's (2000) and doctorate (2004) in Ecology from the National Institute of Research in the Amazon. She is currently a researcher at the Roraima Agroforestry Research Center (EMBRAPA-CPAFRR). He has experience in the area of tropical forest ecology, working mainly on the following themes: monitoring of permanent plots, tree biomass estimates and floristic inventories.
 Rondônia Regional Center
Dr. Ângelo Gilberto Manzatto
  coordinator of the Rondônia Regional Nucleus has been a researcher at the Federal University of Rondônia since 2005 and will be one of the members of the Executive Committee of CENBAM. He specializes in quantitative plant ecology.
Msc. Adeilza Felipe Sampaio
  holds a degree in Biological Sciences from Fundação Universidade Federal de Rondônia (2006), and a master's degree in Botany from Universidade Rural da Amazônia & Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, with taxonomy emphasis on Lycophytes and Monilophytes (Samambaias) He has experience in the field of Botany.
Sinop Regional Center
Dr. Domingos J. Rodrigues
coordinator of the Núcleo Regional Sinop, he is a researcher at the Federal University of Mato Grosso - UFMT, Sinop campus, since 2006. He is a specialist in amphibian ecology, with 18 published scientific articles. He is developing a project for a graduate program in zoology on the Sinop campus, which was created in 2006 to promote higher education and research in the western region of the deforestation arc. He is a member of the management committee of the Mato Grosso nucleus of the Biodiversity Research Program - PPBio.
Angatuba Regional Center
Dr. Luciano Martins Verdade
he is an Agronomist at the Luiz de Queiroz School of Agriculture, University of São Paulo (1985), master in Animal Science from University of São Paulo (1992) and Ph.D. in Wildlife Ecology And Conservation from University of Florida (1997). He is currently Associate Professor at the Division of Tropical Ecosystems Functioning, at the Nuclear Energy in Agriculture Center, at the University of São Paulo, member of the São Paulo Biodiversity Commission and member of the coordination of the Biota / FAPESP Program and coordinator of the Angatuba Regional Nucleus. Current research in the area of Applied Ecology, with special interest in fauna management in agricultural landscapes and adaptive processes of vertebrates to anthropic changes.