The coordinator, Dr. William Ernest Magnusson, has been a researcher at INPA since 1979. He is a fellow of CNPq productivity level 1A, having published 194 papers on a wide range of taxonomic groups, with a special interest in multidisciplinary survey designs (Magnusson et al. 2005, 2008a, 2008b). He has mentored 29 masters and 19 doctors through the INPA Ecology Graduate Program. He is the author of a statistics book published in Portuguese (Magnusson & Mourão 2006a) and English (Magnusson & Mourão 2006b) that is used by many undergraduate courses in Brazil. He is accredited by the Wildlife Society (USA) and a member of the editorial board of several prominent international journals and member of the IUCN Crocodile Specialist Group. He is assistant coordinator of the executive core of Western PPBio Program Amazon.
Biologist at the State University of Londrina (1995), Master of Agricultural Microbiology, from Federal University of Viçosa (1997) and a PhD in Environmental Resources - Hokkaido University - Japan (2001). In May 2010 completed post-doctoral internship at the Tottori Mycological Institute - Japan. She is currently a researcher at the National Institute of Amazonian Research - INPA. She has experience of Mycology in the following subjects: biology and physiology of mushrooms and fungi; cultivation of edible mushrooms, research for new antimicrobial compounds of fungal origin. She is an affiliate member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (2009-2014). Directs the graduate programs in Botany and Ecology at INPA and the post-graduate program in Biodiversity and Conservation at UFPA -Altamira Campus.
Dr. Marcos Silveira is a researcher at the Federal University of Acre - UFAC since 1992, and a member of the Executive Committee of CENBAM. He has published extensively on the flora of Acre and coordinated several multi-institutional research programs. He coordinated the Program of Graduate Studies of Ecology and Natural Resource Management of UFAC between 2003 and 2005, and also coordinates the core of Acre Research Program in Biodiversity - PPBio.
Dr. Marcos Vital is a researcher at the Federal University of Roraima - UFRR, since 1993, and a member of the Executive Committee of CENBAM. He specializes in environmental microbiology and quality of water and soil resources. He coordinates the Graduate Program in Natural Resources UFRR since 2001.
Dr. Domingos J. Rodrigues is a researcher at the Federal University of Mato Grosso - UFMT, campus Sinop, since 2006 and is a member of the Executive Committee of CENBAM. He is specialist in ecology of amphibians, with 35 published scientific papers. He is developing a project for a post-graduate program in zoology at the campus of Sinop, which was created in 2006 to promote higher education and research in western arc of deforestation. He is a member of the core management committee of Mato Grosso Research Program in Biodiversity - PPBio.

Dra. Albertina Pimentel Lima is a researcher at INPA since 1989 and specializes in ecology of vertebrates. She coordinated the INPA Graduate Program in Ecology between 2004 and 2006, and coordinated also several international projects involving cooperation with other Amazon countries. She is a CNPq productivity fellowship, level 1C, having published 106 articles covering various taxonomic groups, with special focus on ecology and biogeography of amphibians. She graduated so far, 25 teachers and six doctors.
Dr. Elizabeth Franklin-Chilson is a researcher at INPA since 1984. She specializes in entomology, and coordinated the INPA Graduate Program in Entomology between 1996-1998 and 2000-2004. He has 38 published papers on taxonomy and ecology of mites, and on economically efficient methods of entomological sampling. She graduated 18 masters and two doctors, and she is coordinator of biological inventories of the Executive Core of West Amazon Research Program in Biodiversity - PPBio.
Dr. Marcio Luiz de Oliveira is INPA researcher since 2002, and specializes in bee-plant interactions and taxonomy, biogeography and ecology of bees, with 22 published papers. He is coordinator of the Department of Entomology at INPA since 2007, and is a professor of the INPA Graduate Program in Entomology, having trained so far four masters and a doctor.
A Dra. Cecilia Nunez is a researcher at INPA since 2003, and specializes in phytochemical, with 35 published papers on bioprospecting, and has two patents. She is professor at UEA Graduate Programs in Biotechnology and Natural Resources, and UFAM Graduate Programs in Biotechnology, having trained so far 15 masters and two doctors. In 2007 she was elected as pro tempore member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, Northern section, and received the FINEP award, north stage. She's thematic research coordinator of the Executive Core of Western Research Program Amazon Biodiversity - PPBio.
A Dr
Izeni Farias is associate professor at the Federal University of Amazonas - UFAM since 1990, where it operates in undergraduate and graduate programs in the areas of molecular evolution, phylogenetics, population genetics and conservation. She is a CNPq productivity fellowship, level 2, and published 70 papers on phylogenetic systematics, phylogeography, population genetics and conservation of Amazonian vertebrates. She contributed to the translation into Portuguese of the book "A Primer of Conservation Genetics" by Frankham, Ballou and Briscoe. She coordinates three CNPq projects and guides many students graduate. It coordinates laboratory infrastructure ( with all the necessary equipment to carry out molecular analyzes related to biodiversity studies. She is also curator of the UFAM tissue collection, and is a member of the editorial board of the journal Acta Amazonica.

A Dra. Flavia R. Capellotto Costa is a researcher at INPA since 2000 and is a fellowship of Djalma Batista Foundation and was recently approved in the first place in an open Exam at the Federal University of Amazonas - UFAM to associate professor in Ecology. She has published 36 papers on various topics related to plant ecology. She is professor at INPA Ecology Graduate Program and Botany since 2000, and was coordinator of the latter between 2006 and 2007. She has trained 20 masters and three doctors. In 2007 she was elected as pro tempore member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, North section.
Dr. Jorge I. Rebelo Porto is INPA researcher since 1987, having published 35 papers on genetics, genomics and mutagenesis. He coordinated the INPA Department of Aquatic Biology between 1999 and 2001, and was general coordinator of INPA Graduate between 2004 and 2008. He led the INPA team at Genome Project and the Amazon Network GENOME. He is professor of the INPA Graduate Program in Genetics, Evolutionary Biology and Conservation, having already formed nine masters and three doctors. He participated in the development of technological products including the registration of two biotechnology patents.
- Dr. Charles Roland Clement is a researcher at INPA since 1977 and specializes in genetic resources, with 109 papers, 11 books and 94 chapters in books published about the development of agricultural varieties of native fruit of the Amazon, use and conservation of genetic resources agricultural biodiversity, and neotropical origin and domestication of crop varieties. He is a CNPq producvity fellowship, level 1D. He is curator of the collection of germplasm INPA. He is permanent lecturer at the Graduate Program in Genetics, Conservation and Evolutionary Biology at INPA, and the Postgraduate Diploma in Biotechnology UFAM Program, and is teaching collaborator in INPA Graduate Programs in Agriculture in the Humid Tropics and Botany. He has trained ten masters and five doctors.
- Dr. Claudia Keller is a researcher at INPA since 2000, and specializes in vertebrate ecology and ecotoxicology. She has published 25 papers and has so far trained 11 masters. Currently she coordinates an international cooperation project with Spain and Mexico, and coordinates the Graduate Program in Ecology since 2006.