Articles - 2023

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Updated 12/07/2024

  1. ANDRÉ, T.; MOULATLET, G. M.; ALMEIDA, T. E.; ALVERGA, P. P. de P.; BOELTER, C. R.; DRUCKER, D. P.; SILVA, J. G.; LINARES-PALOMINO, R.; LOPES, M. A.; MAGALHÃES, J. L. L.; MANZATTO, A. G. et al. 2023. HERBBASE: a collection of understorey herb vegetation plots from Amazonia. Acta Amazonica 53: 114-121. Available online and Biodiversity and Conservation • Acta Amaz. 53 (2) • Apr-Jun 2023

  2. BERGALLO, H. G.; ROSA, C.; OCHOA, A. C.; MANZATTO, A. G.; GUIMARAES, A. F.; BANHOS, A.; CASTILHO, C. V.; BARROS, C. F.; NORRIS, D.; DRUCKER, D. P.; RODRIGUES, D. J.; BACCARO, F. B.; LOURENÇO, I. H.; ZUANON, J.; STEGMANN, L. F.; ANJOS, M. R.; SILVEIRA, M.; ARAÚJO, P. S. G.; BOBROWIEC, P. E. D.; FADINI, R.; NECKEL-OLIVEIRA, S.; EMILIO, T.; SANTORELLI JUNIOR, S.; MAGNUSSON. W. E. 2023. Long-term Ecological Research: Chasing fashions or being prepared for fashion changes? An Acad Bras Cienc (2023): 95(3): e20230051. DOI: 10.1590/0001-3765202320230051. Available online  

  3. .CABRAL, R. C. C.; APPEL, G.; OLIVEIRA, L. Q. de; LÓPEZ-BAUCELLS, A.; MAGNUSSON, W. E.; BOBROWIEC, P. E. 2023. Efect of environmental gradients on community structuring of aerial insectivorous bats in a continuous forest in Central Amazon. Mammalian Biology, v. 13, p. 1-11. Available online and

  4. CLEMENTE-ARENAS, E. R.; TRUJILLO-RODRIGUEZ, L.R.; HILÁRIO, R. R.; IRUME, M. V.; ZARTMAN, C. E.; TOLEDO, J. J. de. 2023. Phorophyte size and soil profiles differentially correlate with community structure among hemiepiphytes and nomadic vines. Biotropica 2023; 55:368-381. DOI: 10.1111/btp.13191. Available online

  5. COELHO, L. A.; RITTER, C. D.; LIMA, A. P.; CINTRA, R.; MAGNUSSON, W. E.; SANAIOTTI, T. M. 2023. Efects of fire regime on the bird community in an Amazonian savanna. Biodiversity and Conservation (2023). Available online e em

  6. CORREA, D. F.; STEVENSON, P. R.; UMAÑA, M. N.; COELHO, L. de S. et al. 2023. Geographic patterns of tree dispersal modes in Amazonia and their ecological correlates. DOI: 10.1111/geb.13596. Global Ecology and Biogegraphy, 32: 49-69. Available online

  7. FALEN, L.; GUEDES, M.; CASTILHO, C. V. de; JORGE, R. F.; BEZERRA, F. M.; MAGNUSSON, W. E. 2023. Palm live aboveground biomass in the riparian zones of a forest. Biotropica. 2023;00:1–11. DOI: 10.1111/btp.13215. Available online

  8. GUIMARÃES, A. F.; BERGALLO, H. G.; SANTORELLI JUNIOR, S.; BACCARO, F. B. ; SOBROZA, T. V.; MAGNUSSON, W. E. Sistema rápido e colaborativo para estudo da biodiversidade. Ciência Hoje, p. 1 - 14, 24 jul. 2023. Available online

  9. HIPOLITO, J.; MAGNUSSON, W. E.; BACCARO, F. B. 2023. Optimizing survey effort for Euglossine bees in tropical forests. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation, 2023, DOI: Available online

  10. MONTANARIN, A.; RAMALHO, E. E.; ROCHA, D. G. da; GRÃBIN, D. M.; ALVARENGA, G. C.; PEQUENO, P. A. C. L.; BACCARO, F. B.; MAGNUSSON, W. E. 2023. Anthropogenic factors do not affect male or female jaguar habitat use in an Amazonian Sustainable Reserve. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation, Available online e em

  11. OLIVEIRA, A. B. da S. de; BORGES, S. H.; PAES, A. T.; PEREIRA, R. C. dos S.; MELINSKI, R. D.; LIMA, A. P.; MAGNUSSON, W. E.; BACCARO, F. B. 2023. Beta diversity and microhabitat use of ant assemblages in a whitesand vegetation gradient in central Amazonia. Journal of Insect Conservation (20230. DOI: 

  12. PEIXOTO, G. M.; FRAGA, R. de; MAGNUSSON, W. E.; LEITÃO, P. H.; KAEFER, I. L.; LIMA, A. P. 2023. Disentangling the effects of environmental and geographic distances on lizard assemblages in Amazonian forests. Journal of Biogeography. 2023;00:1–14. Available online

  13. PEQUENO, P. A. C. L.; CAMPOS, C.; BARBOSA, R. I. 2023. Ants offset bottom-up control of spiders in Amazonian savanna trees. Acta Oecologica 121 (2023) 103955. DOI: Keywords: Food web, Lavrado, Population regulation, Resource limitation, Tree canopy, Trophic niche. Available online

  14. PEQUENO, P. A. C. L.; SANTORELLI JR., S.; FERREIRA, R. N. C.; SANTOS, M. R. dos; FRANKLIN, E. 2023. Towards a biogeography of Amazonian soil microarthropods. Journal of Natural History, 57: 37-40, pp. 1629-1636. DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2023.2268785. Keywords: Amazon, compositional dissimilarity, environmental selection, oribatid mites. Available Online

  15. POS, E.; COELHO, L. de S.; LIMA FILHO, D. de A.; SALOMÃO, R. P. et al. 2023. Unravelling Amazon tree community assembly using Maximum Information Entropy: a quantitative analysis of tropical forest ecology. Scientific Reports (2023), 13:2859. Available online and

  16. SALOMÃO, R. P.; CORREA, C. M.; SANTORELLI JUNIOR, S.; LIMA, A. P.; MAGNUSSON, W. E.; ARRUDA, E. F.; OLIVEIRA, A. P. V. de; CABRAL, R. C. C. 2023. Species diet and the effect of different spatial bait distribution on assemblage of dung beetles in Amazonian white-sand forest.. Int J Trop Insect Sci (2023). Available Online and ResearchGate.

  17. SANTORELLI JUNIOR, S. Promovendo a conservação da biodiversidade amazônica através de livros educativos bilíngues (português e Tupikagwahiva). RECH- Revista Ensino de Ciências e Humanidades – Cidadania, Diversidade e Bem Estar, v. VII, n, 2, jul-dez, 2023, pág. 112-125. ISSN 2594-8806. Available online Promoting the conservation of Amazonian biodiversity through bilingual educational books (Portuguese and Tupikagwahiva)

  18. SANTOS, T. F.; MESQUITA, V. P.; ARAÚJO, J. S.; BACCARO, F. B. 2023. Edge effects on ant diversity and functional composition in a forest fragment in the Central. Sociobiology 70(1): e7657 (March, 2023). DOI: 10.13102/sociobiology.v70i1.7657. Available online

  19. SILVA, E. P. da; MAGNUSSON, W. E. 2023. A matter of size: Does habitat use depend on body size in Amazonian small-stream shrimp species? Inland Waters, v. 6, p. 1-10 and ResearchGate.

  20. SILVEIRA, M. A. P. A.; SOUSA, D. C. C.; ANDRIOLO, A.; SANTORELLI JUNIOR, Sergio. The dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) registered for the State of Rondônia, Southwestern Amazon. Brazilian Journal of Science of the Amazon, v. 12, p. 12-39, 2023. Available online

  21. ter STEEGE, H.; PITMANN, N. C. A.; AMARAL, I. L. do; COELHO, L. de S.. et al. 2023. Mapping density, diversity and species-richness of the Amazon tree flora. Communications Biology 6:1130. online

  22. TORRALVO, K.; DURGANTE, F.; PASQUINI, C.; MAGNUSSON, W. E. 2023. Near infrared spectroscopy for the identification of live anurans: Towards rapid and automated identification of species in the field. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy, v. 0(0) 1–9. DOI: 10.1177/09670335231156472.  Available online