Curso de Ecologia de Campo 2017 |
Target groups - Encontro das águas |
Workshop - vegetation structure - research module M12 of BR 319
Book Launch CENBAM/PPBio - 20/06/2014
CENBAM/PPBIO Simposium II Amazônia Ocidental
Socioeconomic and biodiversity survey course - Tupé and Reserva Ducke
Courses and workshops in Tefé |
Data Management Workshop PELD -UFRJ/Macaé/RJ |


27–29 Nov 2013

19-30 Aug 2013

Apr/May 2013

11-12 Dec 2012
Data Workshop NR Acre
Data Workshop Rondônia
Vegetation Structure - Reserva Humaitá |
Workshop in Data Management - Coari |
Seminar PPBio - Caatinga - Milagres - BA |
RAPELD Course - llha Grande |

22-23 Nov 2012

8 May 2012

5-22 Oct 2012

9-10 Oct 2012

Aug 2012

1-6 Aug 2012
Data Management - Biotrópicos/UFVJM - Diamantina, MG |
Biodiversity Studies in Permanent Plots -Santarém |
Monitoring Target Groups |
PELD Training - Recife |
Humaitá: New Regional Center. |
Week 1: The diversity of the middle Solimões - Coari |
Plot Installation Workshop |
Biodiversity surveys for decision making. |
Databank Workshop |
Biodiversity Monitoring |
Zingiberales |
Arachnids Course - Sinop |
Simposium 1 PPBio-CENBAM |
Basic RAPELD Course |
Acre: Course in infrastructure installation |
Data bank Workshop |
PPBio CENBAM Training Course. |
Ecologia of the Amazon - ESEC Cuniã (RO) |
Maps and illustrations |
RAPELD Module BR319 Km 23 - Purupuru |
Cuniã: Survey Plots |
C&T Seminar - UNIR |
Course in ESEC Cuniã |
RAPELD Module BR-319 - Km 615 |
RAPELD Module BR-319 - Km 535 |
IBAMA Workshop |
Grid in ESEC Cuniã |
Amapá |
Maracá |
Viruá |
Rapeld Ilha Grande |
Data Management Workshop - NR Sinop |
Workshop: Biodiversity data managment and surveys. |
BR-319 PPBio |
Fungi of Amazônia |
RAPELD Module BR-319 - Km 535 |
RAPELD Module BR-319 Km 300 |
C&T Seminar in Reserva Ducke |