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About PPBio

PPBio - A video by Don McConnell.




We Are Here...

Biological collections

Herbariums, museums and living collections.

Biological collections are one of the most important tools for obtaining information on the composition, distribution and content of biodiversity in a given environment.

Biological Inventories

using RAPELD

The inventory's main objective is to organize, then make available, information from biological surveys in the Amazon.  The surveys in question all use RAPELD, a standardized methodology described here. The PPBio portal also provides information on other programs of long-term ecological research whose high-quality data and methodology make them comparable.
Thematic Projects Growth and development of methods for the sustainable management of biodiversity and bioprospecting. Broaden and deepen the knowledge of the biodiversity of the Amazon and the chemical potential for supporting the production of products and to improve the local population's quality of life.

Regional Research Centers

Information about locations and the research they are engaged in.  Strengthening such Centers and training human resources in each region are among PPBio’s main goals
Collection Sites A map showing where biodiversity research is conducted​​. PPBio and their partners have already installed more than 70 RAPELD grids and modules in Brazil.
PPBio International and modules overseas. Did you know that PPBio also works in other parts of the world, not just Amazonia? There are PPBio Australia and Argentina and RAPELD modules are being used in Liberia, Ecuador and the UK.
Identification Guides Taxonomic identification is a key step in studies of biodiversity. For relatively well-known groups, PPBio promotes the production of species identification guides in a colorful format with excellent quality graphics written for a mixed audience, made up of scientists, students, tourists and others. 
Publications PPBio aims to integrate and strengthen research activities on biodiversity in Brazil. Here we have made available a significant number of dissertations, theses, publications in scientific journals and popular material produced by researchers and students who used the PPBio structure to conduct their research.