The Regional Centers are:

Acre        Amapá         Coari            Humaitá            Manaus            Rondônia            Roraima            Santarém            São Gabriel            Sinop            Tefé

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São Gabriel da Cachoreira Regional Center

Negotiations for the establishment of the Regional Center São Gabriel da Cachoeira started in 2008, during the 1st Fronteer Project Workshop.

In June 2010 researchers William Magnusson, Albertina Lima FAPEAM representative Dayane Mayely Oliveira Silva and ICMBio visited the area in order to make contact with the Itacoatiara-Mirim community to present the project and authorise the module deployment.
SGC module
Moses Luiz da Silva, 
NR São Gabriel da Cachoeira
In February 2013, PPBio / CENBAM coordinator William Magnusson, together with Dr. Marie-Josee Fortin (Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology of the University of Toronto), Flávio Bocarde (ICMBIO Pico da Neblina National Park), Maria Aparecida de Freitas (CENBAM / PPBIO / FDB - Management); and Moises Luiz da Silva (CENBAM / PPBIO - NR São Gabriel da Cachoeira) visited the municipality of São Gabriel da Cachoeira in order to define the most probable points for the implementation of two Rapeld research modules. In this meeting the spatial arrangement of the modules, the most suitable places for infrastructure installation (camping, access trails, water catchment and location on the road) were defined.                                                                                 
During this period we also exchanged information on strategies for using the modules, potential partners such as IFAM (Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Amazonas), FOIRN (Federation of Indigenous Organizations of Rio Negro), FUNAI (National Indian Foundation), ICMBio , (Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation) and representatives of communities to develop and foster long-term research.
The process involved the request for a formal license to install the module that resulted in a Direct Authorization issued on May 31, 2013.
In June 2013, after the course "Installation of Transects and Permanent Parcels for Biodiversity Monitoring" aimed at indigenous people of the Tucano, Baniwa and Yanomami ethnic groups, the installation of the module began. In August the same course was offered to IFAM students from São Gabriel and the CENBAM team then finalized the first research module.
Current Location of the São Gabriel Module.
Sao Gabriel e Cachoeira Module
Moisés Luiz da Silva
William Magnusson