Artigos - 2021

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Atualizado em 30/07/2022
  1. ANJOS, S. F. dos; ODA, F. H.; CAMPIÃO, K. M.; ÁVILA, R,. W.; SANTOS, J. N. dos; SANTOS, A. N. dos; ALMEIDA, G. O.; MELO, F. T. de V.; RODRIGUES, D. J. 2021. A new species of Cosmocercoides (Ascaridida: Cosmocercidae) parasitic in tree frogs from Southern Amazonia. Journal of Parasitology, 107 (2): 239-245. Palavras-chave: Southern Amazonia, Helminth, Taxonomy, Biodiversity, Nematoda, Hylidae. DOI: 10.1645/20-78. Disponível online
  2. APPEL, G.; CAPAVERDE JR., U. D.; OLIVEIRA, L. Q. de; PEREIRA, L. G, do A.; TAVARESA, V. da C.; LÓPEZ-BAUCELLS, A.; MAGNUSSON, W. E.; BACCARO, F. B.; BOBROWIEC, P. E. D.. 2021. Use of complementary methods to sample bats in the Amazon. Acta Chiropterologica, 23(2), 499-511, 2021. DOI: 10.3161/15081109ACC2021.23.2.017. Disponível online
    CARON, T. M. F.; CHUMA, V. J. U. R.; SANDI, A. A.; NORRIS, D. 2021. Big trees drive forest structure patterns across a lowland Amazon regrowth gradient. Scientific Reports, v. 11, n. 1, p. 3380. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-83030-5. Disponível online
  3. CHUMA, V. J. U. R.; NORRIS, D. 2021. Contribution of Vouacapoua americana fruit-fall to therelease of biomass in a lowland Amazon forest. Scientific Reports, v. 11, p. 4302. DOI: Disponível online
  4. DAYRELL, J. S.; MAGNUSSON, W. E.; BOBROWIEC, P. E. D.; LIMA, A. P. 2021. Impact of an Amazonian hydroelectric dam on frog assemblages. PLoS ONE 16(6):e0244580. DOI: Disponível online
  5. DORIA, C. R. C.; DUTKA-GIANELLI, J.; PAES DE SOUZA, M.; LORENZEN, K.;ATHAYDE, S. 2021. Stakeholder perceptions on the governance of fisheries systems transformed by hydroelectric dam development in the Madeira River, Brazil. Frontiers in Environmental Science, v. 9, 575514. DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2021.575514. Disponível online
  6. DORIA, C. R. C.; AGUDELO, E.; AKAMA, A.; BONFIM, M.; CARNEIRO, L.; BRIGLIA-FERREIRA, S. R.; CARVALHO, L. N.; BONILLA-CASTILLO, C. A.; CHARVET, P.; CATÂNEO, D. T. B. dos S.; SILVA, H. P. da; GARCIA-DÁVILA, C. R.; ANJOS, H. D. B. dos; DUPONCHELLE, F.; ENCALADA, A.; FERNANDES, I.; FLORENTINO, A. C.; GUARIDO, P. C. P.; GUEDES, T. L. de O.; JIMENEZ-SEGURA, L.; LASSO-ALCALÁ, O. M.; MACEAN, M. R.; MARQUES, E. E.; MENDES-JÚNIOR, R. N. G.; MIRANDA-CHUMACERO, G.; NUNES, J. L. S.; OCCHI, T. V. T.; PEREIRA, L. S.; CASTRO-PULIDO, W.; SOARES, L.; SOUSA, R. G. C.; TORRENTE-VILARA, G.; DAMME, P. A. V.; ZUANON, J.; VITULE, J. R. S. 2021. The silent threat of non-native fish in the Amazon: ANNF Database and Review. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, v. 9: 646702. DOI: 10.3389/FEVO.2021.646702. Palavras-chave: biological invasions, invasive alien species, freshwater ecosystems, escapes, colonization sucess, propagule pressure. Disponível online
  7. Draper, F. C. et al. (2021). Amazon tree dominance across forest strata. Nature Ecology and Evolution 5:757–767. DOI:10.1038/s41559-021-01418-y. 
  8. DUPONCHELLE, F.; ISAAC, V. J.; DORIA, C.; VAN DAMME, P. A.; HERRERA-R, G. A.; ANDERSON, E. P.; CRUZ, R. E. A.; HAUSER, M.; HERMANN, T. W.; AGUDELO, E.; BONILLA'CASTILLO, C.; BARTHEM, R.; FREITAS, C. E. C.; GARCÍA-DÁVILA, C.; GARCÍA-VASQUEZ, A.; RENNO, JEAN-FRANÇOIS; CASTELLO, L. 2021. Conservation of migratory fishes in the Amazon basin. Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater ecosystems, v, 1, pp. 1-19. DOI: 10.1002/aqc.3550. Disponível online
  9. FERNANDES, I. Y.; MORAES, L. J. C. L.; MENIN, M.; FARIAS, I. P.; LIMA, A. P.; KAEFER, I. L. 2021. Unlinking the speciation steps: geographical factors drive changes in sexual signals of an Amazonian nurse-frog  through body size variation. Evolutionary Biology (2021) DOI: Palavras-chave: Amazonia, Anura, Biogegraphy, genotype, landscape, phenotype. Disponível online
  10. et al. (2021) Taking the pulse of Earth’s tropical forests using networks of highly distributed plots. Biological Conservation 260:108849. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2020.108849. Disponível online
  11. JACKMAN, J. M.; BENVENUTO, C.; COSCIA, I.; CARVALHO, C. O.; READY, J. S.; BOUBLI, J. P.; MAGNUSSON, W. E.; McDEVITT, A. D.; SALES, N. G. 2021. eDNA in a bottleneck: Obstacles to fish metabarcoding studies in megadiverse freshwater systems. Environmental DNA, 2021; 00:1-13. DOI: 10.1002/edn3.191. Palavras-chave: Amazon, barcoding gap, freshwater, MiFish, Neotropics, reference database, taxonomic resolution. Disponivel online
  12. GONZÁLEZ-ALVARADO, A.; VAZ-DE-MELLO, F. Z. 2021. Towards a comprehensive taxonomic revision of the Neotropical dung beetle subgenus Deltochilum (Deltohyboma) Lane, 1946 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae): Division into species-groups. PLoS ONE 16(1): e0244657. DOI: Disponível online
  13. HIPÓLITO, J.; COUTINHO, J.; MAHLMANN, T.; SANTANA, T. B. R.; MAGNUSSON, W. E. 2021. Legislation and pollination: Recommendations for policymakers and scientists. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation, 2021. ISSN 2530-0644. Palavras-chave: Brazil, Biodiversity, Crops, Laws, Pollinators, Sustainability science. Disponível online e em
  14. LONARDONI, A. P.; RÖPKE, C. P.; MELO, T.; TORRENTE-VILARA, G. 2021. Damming in the Madeira River modifies the food spectrum of piscivorous and affects their resource partitioning. Neotropical Ichthyology 19(3), e210087. Palavras-chave: Amazônia, amplitude de nicho alimentar, Hidrelétricas, interações interespecíficas, sobreposição alimentar. DOI: Disponível online
  15. MARIONI, B.; BARAO-NÓBREGA, J. A. L.; BOTERO-ARIAS, R.; MUNIZ, F.; CAMPOS, Z.; DA SILVEIRA, R.; MAGNUSSON, W. E.; VILLAMARÍN, F. 2021. Science and conservation of Amazonian crocodilians: a historical review. Aquatic Conserv Mar Freshw  Ecosyst., v. 31, pp. 1056-1067. DOI: 10.1002/aqc.3541. Palavras-chave: floodplain, monitoring, protected area, reptiles, sustainability, wetlands. Disponível online
  16. * MORAES, L. J. C. L.; LIMA, A. P. 2021. A new nurse frog (Allobates, Aromobatidae) with a cricket-like advertisement call from Eastern Amazonia. Herpetological (2021) 77 (2), pp. 146-163. DOI: Disponível online
  17. NORONHA, J. da C. de; PRADO, C. P. A.; HERO, Jean-Marc; CASTLEY, G.; RODRIGUES, D. de J. Aspects of the reproductive ecology of Trachycephalus cunauaru (Anura: Hylidae) in the southern Amazon. Acta Amazonica, v. 51, pp. 34-41, 2021. DOI: Palavras-chave: phytotelmata, artificial reproductive sites, canopy sampling, oophagy, amphibians. Disponível online
  18. PEQUENO, P. A. C. L.; FRANKLIN, E.; NORTON, R. A. 2021. Microgeographic morphophysiological divergence in an Amazonian soil mite. Evolutionary Biology (2021). DOI: Palavras-chave: adaptation, functional analysis, gradient model, passive dispersal, phenotypic plasticity, sympatry. Disponível online
  19. PEQUENO, P. A. C. L.; FRANKLIN, E.; NORTON,  R. A. 2021. Modelling selection, drift, dispersal and their interactions in the community assembly of Amazonian soil mites. Oecologia (2021). DOI: Palavras-chave: Community structure, Ecological niche, Environmental filtering, Functional traits, Dispersal limitation. Disponível online
  20. PELISSARI, S. R. N.; SINHORIN, V. D. G.; CASTOLDI, L.; VASCONCELOS, L. G. de; RODRIGUES, D. J.; RIBEIRO, E. B. S.; KERKHOFF, J.; SINHORIN, A. P. 2021. Methanolic extract of Rhinella marina Poison: chemical composition, antioxidant and immunomodulatory activities. J. Braz. Chem. Soc., v. 32, n. 8, pp. 1584-1597. DOI: Palavras-chave: Rhinella marina, oxidative stress, immunomodulatorion, venom, paratoid gland, toad. Disponível online
  21. RAASCH-FERNANDES, L. D.; BONALDO, S. M.; RODRIGUES, D. de J.; FERRARINI, S. R.; VERÇOSA, A. G. A.; OLIVEIRA, D. L. de. 2021. In vitro antimicrobial activity of methanolic extracts from cutaneous secretions of Amazonian amphibians against phytopathogens of agricultural interest. Acta Amazonica, v. 51(2) 2021: 145 - 155. DOI: Palavras-chave: inhibition; conidia; Rhaebo guttatus; Rhinella marina. Disponível online
  22. RABELO, R. M.; OLIVEIRA, I. F.; MAGNUSSON, W. 2021. Finding a lost species in the 'Lost World': predicted habitat occupancy by an endemic butterfly in a Neotropical sky-island archipelago. Insect Conservation and Diversity (2021). DOI: 10.1111/icad.12521. Palavras-chave: Antirrhea, Bayesian occupancy model, detectability, endemism, last glacial maximum, Pantepui, species distribution modelling, Vicariance-Migration hypothesis. Disponível online
  23. RABELO, R. M.; PEREIRA, G. C. N.; VALSECCHI, J.; MAGNUSSON, W. E. The role of river flooding as an environmental filter for Amazonian butterfly assemblages. Front. Ecol. Evol., v. 9:693178. DOI: Palavras-chave: Amazonian floodplains, Lepidoptera, rarefaction, species composition, species density, species richness, terra firme, várzea. Disponível online
  24. ROCHA, S. M. C. da; LIMA, A. P.; KAEFER, I. L. 2021. Key roles of parternal care and climate on offspring survival of an Amazonian poison frog. An Acad Bras Cienc (2021) 93:e20210067. DOI: 10.1590/0001-3765202120210067. Palavras-chave: Allobates paleovarzensis, Aromobatidae, Dendrobatoidea, ENSO 2015-2016, nurse frogs, parental care. Disponível online
  25. ROSA, C. A. Savannah for sale: is there hope for neotropical biodiversity on private, Brazilian properties? Animal Conservation 24 (2021), p. 1-2. DOI: 10.1111/acv.12617. Disponível online
  26. ROSA, C.; BACCARO, F.; CRONEMBERGER, C.; HIPÓLITO, J.; BARROS, C. F.; RODRIGUES, D. de J.; NECKEL-OLIVEIRA, S.; OVERBECK, G. E.; DRECHSLER-SANTO, E. R. et al. 2021. The program of biodiversity Research in Brazil: The role of regional networks for biodiversity knowledge, dissemination, and conservation. An Acad Bras Cienc. (2021) 93(2),  e20201604, pp. 11-19. Disponível online
  27. ROSA, C. A. da; GANANÇA, P. H. S.; LIMA, A. P.; MAGNUSSON, W, E, 2021. Corrigendum: Necromys lasiurus: lições de um estudo de 38 anos em uma savana amazônica. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, v. 9, p. 606. DOI=10.3389/fevo.2021.716384. Disponível online
  28. ROSA, C.; SECCO, H.; SILVA, L G. da; LIMA, M. G. de; GORDO, M.; MAGNUSSON, W. 2021. Burying water and biodiversity through road constructions in Brazil. Aquatic Conserv: Mar Freshw Ecosyst. 2021, pp. 1-3. DOI: 10.1002/aqc.3544. Palavras-chave: Amazon, drainage, ecofriendly road, riparian biodiversity, riparian zones, sustainability. Disponível online
  29. * ROSA, D. C. P.; BROCARDO, C. R.; ROSA, C.; CASTRO, A. B.; NORRIS, D.; FADINI, R.; 2021. Species-rich but defaunated: the case of medium and large-bodied mammals in a sustainable use protected area in the Amazon. Acta Amazonica, v. 51(4):323-333. Palavras-chave: camera trapping, poaching, tropical forest, wildlife management. Disponível online e em
  30. SILVA, W. R.; PEQUENO, P. A. C. L.; FARIAS, H. L. S.; MELO, V. F.; VILLACORTA, C. D. A.; CARVALHO, L. C. S.; PERDIZ, R. O.; CITÓ, A. C.; BARBOSA, R. I. 2021. Environmental filters and biotic interactions drive species richness and composition in ecotone forests of the northern Brazilian Amazonia. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (Ciências Naturais), 16(2): 229-244. Palavras-chave: Estrutura da comunidade. Ilha de Maracá. Roraima. Florestas sazonais. Espécies de árvores. Disponível online
  31. SOUZA, J. L. P.; FERNANDES, I. O. 2021. Do spatial and temporal scales affect the efficiency of surrogates in ant monitoring on the hydroelectric power-plant area in Brazilian Amazon? Ecological Indicators, v. 121, p. 107158, 2021. Palavras-chave: Amazon, Madeira River, Species occurrence, Standardized sampling protocol, Tropical forest. DOI: Disponível online
  32. SOUZA, J. R. D.; KAEFER, I. L.; LIMA, A. P. 2021. Calling activity determines male mating sucess in a territorial frog with parental care. Ethology, 127(4): pp. 359-365. DOI: Disponível online
  33. SOUZA HOLANDA, P. M.; SOUZA, J. L. P.; BACCARO, F. B. 2021. Seasonal fluctuation of groundwater level inflluences local litter-dwelling and richness, composition and colonization in the Amazon rainforest. Ecological Entomology, v. 46, pp. 220-231. DOI: Palavras-chave: Disturbance, formicidae, tropical forests, water table. Disponivel online
  34. SOUZA, E.; LIMA, A. P.; MAGNUSSON, W. E.; KAWASHITA-RIBEIRO, R.; FADINI, R.; GHIZONI JR., I. R.; GANANÇA, P.; FRAGA, R. 2021. Short-and long-term effects of fire and vegetation cover on four lizard species in Amazonian savannas. Canadian Journal of Zoology, v. 99, n. 3, 2021. DOI:
  35. * TORRALVO, K.; DE FRAGA, R.; LIMA, A. P.; DAYRELL, J.; MAGNUSSON, W. E. 2021. Environmental filtering and deforestation shape frog assemblages in Amazonia: An empirical approach assessing species abundances and functional traits. Biotropica. 2022;54:226–238. DOI: 10.1111/btp.13053. Palavras-chave: Alter do Chão, anthropogenic disturbance, community structure, functional diversity, Tapajós FLONA, taxonomic composition. Disponível online