Workshop for Ecological Tourism Guides at the Rio Negro Sustainable Development Reserve (RDS)

The course took place on April 21st, 22nd, and 23rd, 2023 in Vale Dourado, located at km 50 of the Novo Airão road. Its main objective was to provide training for eco-tourism guides in the surrounding area of Vale Dourado, by providing theoretical and practical knowledge about the fauna, flora, and fungi of the Rio Negro Sustainable Development Reserve (RDS). The course included lectures, a workshop for children focusing on the biodiversity found in the RDS, and guided trails on frogs, reptiles, fungi, and ants.

Articles - 2023

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Data formatting (eg camera trap) for occupancy models.

Individuals requiring assistance with occupancy analyses, particularly single and multi-species analyses, may encounter difficulties during data formatting and error correction. These tasks can be time-consuming and problematic for successful analysis.


In the northern Pantanal, the complete grid of permanent plots has been precariously maintained in Pirizal. This grid was physically established, with a concrete frame at zero point and an iron rod marked along the 250 m of each parcel.

São Nicolau Farm - Cotriguaçu

The module IV was built in native forest on the São Nicolau Farm in 2010/2011 covering an area of 5 km². This module has 12 one-hectare LTER plots. The vegetation is characterized as an open and dense rainforest with soil clay. In the area are common tree species such as Bertholletia excelsa, Copaifera langsdorffii, Hymenaea courbaril, and Swietenia macrophylla together with shrub-tree species from the families Moraceae, Fabaceae, Lauraceae and Burseraceae.

Cristalino State Park

The module V was built in native forest in 2012, and 12 one-hectare LTER plots were installed covering an area of 5km². The vegetation is characterized as Semi-deciduous Seasonal Forest or with transition characteristics between Ombrophilous Forestand Seasonal Forest. Bertholletia excelsa,Copaifera langsdorffii, Hymenaea courbaril,Caryocar villosum are present in the area as well as shrub-tree species from the families Fabaceae, Rubiaceae, Melastomataceae, Malvaceae, and Moraceae.


Serra do Cipó: The research areas of the UFMG Com Cerrado are concentrated in the cerrado areas of Serra do Cipó located along the Espinhaço Chain (MG), southeastern Brazil. The installation drawings for modules and grids in Serra Cipó are shown in the protocols of the ComCerrado Network. In each of the collection sites, we have installed a weather station.


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