Tabela adaptada de ECOSYSTEMS • An. Acad. Bras. Ciênc. 93 (2) • 2021 • COPY The Program for Biodiversity Research in Brazil: The role of regional networks for biodiversity knowledge, dissemination, and conservationTable SI. Location of sites of the Brazilian Program for Biodiversity Research network. |
Tipo | id |
Latitude |
Longitude | Nome do site |
Module | 1 | -9.37 | -69.92 | Chandless State Park |
Grid | 2 | 1.01 | -51.65 | Amapá National Forest |
Module | 3 | -3.08 | -59.96 | Federal University of Amazonas |
Grid | 4 | -2.94 | -59.96 | Adolpho Ducke Forest Reserve |
Module | 5 | -5.61 | -67.6 | Médio Juruá |
Grid | 6 | -1.76 | -61.62 | Jaú National Park |
Module | 7 | -2.45 | -59.75 | PDBFF fragments |
Grid | 8 | -1.78 | -59.27 | Uatumã Biological Reserve |
Grid | 9 | -2.66 | -60.06 | Experimental Farm from UFAM |
Grid | 10 | -3.03 | -60.37 | Anavilhanas National Park |
Module | 11 | -3.09 | -55.52 | BR-163 M08 |
Module | 12 | -4.08 | -60.67 | Tupana |
Module | 13 | -3.35 | -59.86 | BR-319 M01 |
Module | 14 | -3.69 | -60.33 | BR-319 M02 |
Module | 15 | -4.13 | -60.73 | BR-319 M03 |
Module | 16 | -4.38 | -60.95 | BR-319 M04 |
Module | 17 | -4.62 | -61.24 | BR-319 M05 |
Module | 18 | -4.98 | -61.57 | BR-319 M06 |
Module | 19 | -5.27 | -61.93 | BR-319 M07 |
Module | 20 | -5.63 | -62.18 | BR-319 M08 |
Module | 21 | -5.96 | -62.49 | BR-319 M09 |
Module | 22 | -6.56 | -62.94 | BR-319 M10 |
Module | 23 | -7.2 | -63.13 | BR-319 M11 |
Module | 24 | -3.61 | -60.21 | BR-319 Castanho |
Module | 25 | -8.22 | -63.98 | BR-319 km 820 |
Module | 26 | -5.05 | -56.46 | BR-163 M04 |
Module | 27 | -3.49 | -54.56 | BR-163 M12 |
Module | 28 | -3.02 | -54.96 | BR-163 M1 |
Module | 29 | -4.67 | -56.45 | BR-163 M03 |
Module | 30 | -3.15 | -54.84 | BR-163 M11 |
Module | 31 | -16.08 | -58.02 | Cáceres |
Grid | 32 | -16.06 | -56.06 | Pirizal |
Module | 33 | -15.14 | -56.01 | Santo Antônio |
Module | 34 | -11.582 | -55.2877 | Sinop - M01 |
Module | 35 | -11.411 | -55.3248 | Sinop - M02 |
Module | 36 | -11.653 | -55.0818 | Sinop - M03 |
Module | 37 | -9.417 | -55.15 | Cristalino State Park |
Module | 38 | -9.49 | -58.15 | Cotriguaçu Module - São Nicolau Farm |
Module | 39 | -19.89 | -56.58 | Nhumirim Farm |
Grid | 40 | -1.96 | -51.615 | Caxiuanã National Forest |
Module | 41 | -4.94 | -55.55 | BR-163 M9 |
Module | 42 | -5.04 | -55.52 | BR-163 M10 |
Module | 43 | -2.4 | -55.78 | BR-163 M6 |
Module | 44 | -4.91 | -56.43 | BR-163 M5 |
Grid | 45 | -8.07 | -63.49 | Ecological Station of Cuniã |
Module | 46 | 2.64 | -60.83 | Água Boa Experimental Station |
Module | 47 | 2.86 | -60.71 | Cauamé |
Grid | 48 | 3.41 | -61.48 | Maracá |
Grid | 49 | 1.49 | -61.0400 | Viruá National Park |
Module | 50 | -2.56 | -55.92 | BR-163 M07 |
Grid | 51 | -23.06 | -48.08 | Angatuba |
Module | 52 | -6.691 | -64.6059 | Trail A - IPUMA |
Module | 53 | -6.507 | -64.5509 | Canutama State Forest (Trail B - IPUMA) |
Module | 54 | -6.674 | -62.9681 | Trail C - IPUMA |
Module | 55 | -5.317 | -62.0004 | Trail D - IPUMA |
Module | 56 | -4.942 | -60.2504 | Trail E - IPUMA |
Module | 57 | -2.823 | -58.9328 | Madeireira Mil |
Module | 58 | -23.158 | -44.18 | Ilha Grande State Park |
Module | 59 | -23.174 | -44.3079 | Reserva Biológica da Praia do Sul |
Module | 60 | -10.055 | -67.6303 | Catuaba Farm |
Grid | 61 | -19.05 | -56.5833 | Ipanema-Nhumirim Farm |
Module | 62 | -4.121 | -63.075 | Módulo Coari |
Module | 63 | -9.182 | -64.6184 | Ilha da Pedra |
Module | 64 | -9.462 | -64.3925 | Jaci-Paraná |
Module | 65 | -9.336 | -64.7286 | Jirau Margem Direita |
Module | 66 | -9.147 | -64.5095 | Ilha do Bufalo |
Module | 67 | -9.321 | -64.7238 | Jirau Margem Esquerda |
Module | 68 | -9.021 | -64.2541 | Morrinhos |
Module | 69 | -8.848 | -64.0685 | Teotonio |
Module | 70 | -18.086 | -43.3407 | Rio Preto State Park |
Module | 71 | -15.339 | -55.8597 | Chapada dos Guimarães National Park |
Other methods | 72 | -6.808 | -45.1101 | Maranhão |
Module | 73 | -3.535 | -65.0027 | Tefé National Forest |
Module | 74 | 0.558 | -68.1431 | Módulo São Gabriel da Cachoeira |
Module | 75 | -7.481 | -72.9 | Módulo Areia Branca |
Module | 76 | -10.064 | -67.602 | Módulo Catuaba |
Grid | 77 | -30.106 | -54.3572 | São Gabriel |
Grid | 78 | -30.293 | -55.946 | Quaraí |
Grid | 79 | -28.845 | -52.463 | Soledade |
Grid | 80 | -30.802 | -54.422 | Lavras do Sul |
Module | 81 | -14.999 | -53.9999 | Tavares |
Grid | 82 | -28.535 | -55.454 | Santo Antônio das Missões |
Grid | 83 | -30.838 | -53.222 | Santana da Boa Vista |
Grid | 84 | -32.249 | -53.425 | Jaguarão |
Grid | 85 | -28.18 | -50.199 | Vacaria |
Grid | 86 | -29.773 | -55.392 | Alegrete |
Grid | 87 | -28.006 | -50.18 | Painel |
Grid | 88 | -26.521 | -51.632 | Palmas |
Grid | 89 | -24.562 | -50.252 | Tibagi |
Other methods | 90 | -22.475 | -42.9954 | Garrafão |
Other methods | 91 | -7.033 | -38.3 | Guaribas |
Module | 92 | -4.883 | -40.75 | Serra de Ibiapaba |
Module | 93 | -7.033 | -38.3 | Guaribas |
Module | 94 | -5.3 | -37.8333 | Baixo Jaguaripe/Apodi |
Module | 95 | -6.967 | -35.65 | Brejo Paraibano |
Module | 96 | -7.367 | -39.45 | Chapada do Araripe |
Module | 97 | -7.017 | -36.7333 | Seridó Ecological Station |
Module | 98 | -8.5 | -37.3833 | Buique/Vale do Ipojuca |
Module | 99 | -9.05 | -43.4167 | Serra das Confusões National Park |
Module | 100 | -9.433 | -41.2667 | Dunas do São Francisco |
Module | 101 | -9.017 | -39.9167 | Curaça |
Module | 102 | -10.433 | -40.2333 | Senhor do Bonfim |
Module | 103 | -11.183 | -41.2167 | Morro do Chapéu |
Module | 104 | -12.867 | -39.95 | Milagres |
Module | 105 | -12.8 | -39.4833 | Serra da Jiboia |
Module | 106 | -13.783 | -44 | Serra do Ramalho |
Module | 107 | -13.367 | -41.7333 | Abaíra/Itaete |
Module | 108 | -13.567 | -40.4 | Maracas |
Module | 109 | -8.001 | -34.9465 | Dois Irmãos State Park |
Module | 110 | -10.746 | -37.3531 | Serra de Itabaiana National Park |
Grid | 111 | -15.179 | -39.1034 | Una Biological Reserve |
Module | 112 | -19.006 | -40.1624 | Sooretama Biological Reserve |
Module | 113 | -19.132 | -39.9341 | Vale Natural Reserve |
Module | 114 | -20.273 | -40.4779 | Duas Bocas Biological reserve |
Other methods | 115 | -20.394 | -41.0268 | Pedra Azul State Park |
Other methods | 116 | -20.517 | -41.084 | Forno Grande State Park |
Other methods | 117 | -20.609 | -40.4678 | Environmental Protection Area of Setiba |
Module | 118 | -21.391 | -41.0937 | Guaxindiba State Ecological Station |
Module | 119 | -22.529 | -43.3442 | Tinguá Biological Reserve |
Module | 120 | -25.35 | -48.6902 | Rio Cachoeira Natural Reserve |
Module | 121 | -25.681 | -48.5189 | Rio Guaraguaçu |
Module | 122 | -26.269 | -48.5308 | Acaraí State Park |
Module | 123 | -28.176 | -49.5097 | São Joaquim National Park |
Other methods | 124 | -9.831 | -50.4433 | Fartura Farm (Santana do Araguaia |
Other methods | 125 | -7.144 | -47.1897 | Chapada da Mesa National Park |
Other methods | 126 | -15.066 | -60.0119 | Serra Ricardo Franco State Park |
Other methods | 127 | -3.129 | -55.5403 | Tapajós-Arapiúns Extractive Reserve |
Other methods | 128 | -3.891 | -46.7708 | Gurupi (Site Sul) |
Other methods | 129 | -3.682 | -46.7691 | Gurupi (Site Norte) |
Module | 130 | -3.199 | -52.2106 | Altamira |
Module | 131 | -15.85 | -52.263 | Serra Azul State Park |
Module | 132 | -15.339 | -55.8602 | Chapada dos Guimarães National Park |
Module | 133 | -15.351 | -55.9546 | Chapada dos Guimarães National Park |
Module | 134 | -15.316 | -55.7922 | Chapada dos Guimarães National Park |
Module | 135 | -18.073 | -43.3468 | Rio Preto State Park |
Module | 136 | -18.168 | -43.3378 | Rio Preto State Park |
Module | 137 | -6.722 | -44.9933 | Mirador State Park |
Module | 138 | -13.621 | -46.2897 | Terra Ronca State Park |
Module | 139 | -14.092 | -47.7039 | Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park |
Other methods | 140 | -15.715 | -47.9923 | Brasília National Park |
Other methods | 141 | -19.3 | -43.5822 | Serra do Cipó National Park |
Other methods | 142 | -10.671 | -45.8752 | Bahia |
Module | 143 | -30.269 | -57.2278 | Espinilho State Park |
Module | 144 | -29.114 | -50.3873 | Tainhas State Park |
Module | 145 | -3.049 | -60.742 | Rio Negro Sustainable Development Reserve |
Module | 146 | -1.75 | -60.1209 | Presidente Figueiredo |
Module | 147 | -15.558 | -47.6162 | Águas Emendadas Ecological Station |
Module | 148 | -2.512 | -54.9198 | Alter do Chão |
Module | 149 | -2.465 | -54.9477 | Alter do Chão |
Module | 150 | -2.576 | -54.9163 | Alter do Chão |
Module | 151 | -2.842 | -54.9001 | km 67 of BR-163 |
Module | 152 | -3.057 | -54.9933 | km 83 of BR-163 |
Module | 153 | -3.356 | -54.9489 | km 117 of BR-163 |
Module | 154 | -3.479 | -54.8884 | km 134 of BR-163 |
Module | 155 | -20.61 | -41.17 | Mata das Flores State Park |
Module | 156 | -32.606 | -67.213 | Sierra de las Quijadas National Park (Argentina) |
Module | 157 | -29.857 | -67.92 | Talampaya National Park (Argentina) |
Module | 158 | -33.856 | -65.785 | Campo El Tala, Villa Mercedes (Argentina) |
Module | 159 | -33.129 | -66.029 | La Florida, San Luis (Argentina) |
Module | 160 | -32.624 | -66.084 | San Francisco, San Luis (Argentina) |
Module | 161 | -26.737 | -63.507 | Campo Grande, Santiago del Estero (Argentina) |
Module | 162 | -27.633 | 153.082 | Karawatha Forest Park (Australia) |
Module | 163 | -27.354 | 151.113 | Lake Broadwater (Australia) |
Module | 164 | -28.84 | 144.493 | Currawinya National Park (Australia) |
Module | 165 | -26.26 | 153.057 | Cooloola (Australia) |
Module | 166 | 27.546 | 84.495 | Chitwan National Park (Australia (Nepal)) |
Module | 167 | -0.39762 | -76.6176 | Limoncocha Biological Reserve (Ecuador) |
Proposed Module | 168 | 7.5157 | -8.445 | Zor Community Forest (Liberia) |
Proposed Module | 169 | 53.33694 | -2.646667 | Moore Nature Reserve (United Kingdom) |