
Disponibilizada palestra sobre BIODIVERSITY AND BIOPROSPECTING ministrada por Dr. Andrew Beattie e Christine Turnbull


Dr. Andrew Beattie and Christine Turnbull
(Macquarie University Sydney, Australia )
Biodiversity is a far greater resource for a great many more industries than most people imagine. Most people know about pharmaceutical bioprospecting but many other industries including agriculture, cosmetics, construction and engineering are actively involved worldwide. Today the search is not so much for species but for specific adaptations and the organisms of choice are often microbial rather than larger ones.  Ecologists and evolutionary biologists are at the cutting edge of many bioprospecting industries as it is they, together with taxonomists and some chemists, who understand that natural history is a database of immense proportions and commercial value.
*** A palestra será proferida em inglês. 
*** Download da palestra BIODIVERSITY AND BIOPROSPECTING ministrada por Dr. Andrew Beattie.
*** Download da palestra ANTIMICROBIALS AND THE EVOLUTION OF EUSOCIALITY Andrew Beattie e Christine Turnbull.
Data: 15/08/2012 (quarta-feira)
Hora: 17:00 h
Local: Sala de aula da Entomologia/INPA - Campus II