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Family Tree (Phylogeny)


Chelonian synamorphies clearly define their clade but the phylogenetic relationship between turtles and other clades has changed many times as discussed here in the Tree of Life.


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Chelonoidis carbonaria



Scientific Name: Chelonoidis carbonaria

Common Name: jabuti piranga.

Spanish: morrocoy.
English: Red-footed Tortoise.

Length/Weight: they can measure up to 45 cm in length and weigh up to eight kilos.

What is a Chelonian?

Testudines includes the Chelonia and some of their extinct relatives from the extentive turtle fossil record. 

Chelonia (ke-lō′ni-a) is a group name given to extant animals commonly known as turtles, tortoises and terrapins. Alternative scientific names for the group include Chelonii, Testudinata, Testudines.

Chelonia is the Greek word for tortoise whereas testudo (meaning "moveable shelter") is Latin.
