Myotis riparius

Myotis riparius

Adults have a body length of 4 cm, a forearm of 3.5 cm and a weight of 4 g. The back and belly are dark brown. They mainly use caves as shelter, but can be found in cracks in rocks and hollows of trees.
Bats of this species are highly tolerant to atropizados environments, being able to be found flying on plantations, deciduous forests and well preserved forests. They are often found foraging in open areas, along streams, as well as in trails inside forests and clearings. It presents modulated calling pulses, with an anterior tail and a final frequency greater than 55 kHz.
Its distribution includes Colombia, Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago, Guianas, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Uruguay, Paraguay and northern Argentina.

(Click image to enlarge)

Figura 1. Echolocation call of Myotis riparius. A) Oscillograma of acoustic pulse; B) Spectrogram of a call; C) Intensity spectrogram.