Saccopteryx bilineata

Saccopteryx bilineata

Adult bats have body length of 5 cm, forearm of 5 cm and weight of 9 g. The dorsal coat is black, with two very distinct longitudinal lines. They present well developed glandular sacs near the forearm, which release an odorous substance during ritualized disputes.
They live on tree trunks or caves, forming colonies with dozens of individuals, who can live with other species.
They forage in damp areas near streams. They can be found foraging in clearings, but prefer preserved forests where they forage from the canopy to ground level. The call consists of two pulses of almost constant frequency, the first with an average frequency of 42 kHz and the second of 45 kHz.
Its distribution is comprised of the low altitudes of Colombia, Trinidad and Guianas, in southeastern Bolivia and south-central Brazil. It also occurs in Mexico and Central America.


Figure 1. Echolocation call of Saccopteryx bilineata. A) Acoustic pulse oscillogram. B) Call sequence spectrogram. C) Intensity spectrogram. (Click figure to enlarge.)


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