PPBio / CENBAM launch a book based on the experience of more than a decade in the implementation of the RAPELD system in the Brazilian Amazon. Richly illustrated and written in plain language, the book addresses the issues that led to system development, inclusion of research in the social system, spatial organization and representations of biological diversity, environmental monitoring, important RAPELD partners, and management of data. Download the PDF.

Monitoring biodiversity is not merely an academic endeavor. Although the representation of biodiversity, spatial structure and integration with environmental information are essential issues, it is essential to think about the political context in which decisions will be taken and how to incorporate partners, since researchers have a limited capacity for action . Finally, it is critical to plan the data management to maximize usage and ensure its longevity.
RAPELD addresses spatial standardization that is crucial to respond to most of the issues raised by decision makers, allowing for flexibility and innovation. The first big challenge should be to integrate the different types of monitoring! An effective system needs to integrate all aspects simultaneously across many different scales and that advances in information technology are not enough to accomplish this by itself. Science has become extremely linear and research has become focused on normative studies with restricted inputs and outputs, so that we have to relearn to think laterally.
The first RAPELD picket installed in Reserva Ducke
(Photo: Carlos Eduardo Barbosa)
With a preface by Stuart Pimm, the book is available in Portuguese and English and can be freely downloaded from the PPBio portal. A printed version is also available. The book was funded by FAPEAM, FAPESP and US BON and several other partners and people listed in the book who were very important throughout the process.
To download the PDF, go to the link. Good reading!
Complete reference:
William Magnusson, Ricardo Braga-Neto, Flávia Pezzini, Fabrício Baccaro, Helena Bergallo, Jerry Penha, Domingos Rodrigues, Luciano M. Verdade, Albertina Lima, Ana Luísa Albernaz, Jean-Marc Hero, Ben Lawson, Carolina Castilh, Débora Drucker, Elisabeth Franklin, Fernando Mendonça, Flávia Costa, Graciliano Galdino, Guy Castley, Jansen Zuanon, Julio do Vale, José Luizão, Regina Luizão, Renato Cintra, Reinaldo I. Barbosa, Antônio Lisboa, Rodrigo V. Koblitz, Cátia Nunes da Cunha , Antonio R. Mendes Ponte. Biodiversity and Integrated Environmental Monitoring. 1. ed. Manaus: Attema Editorial :: Assessoria e Design, 2013. 352p.
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