Furipterus horrens

Furipterus horrens

Small species of bat, has a body length of 4 cm, a forearm of 3.5 cm and a weight of 3 g. The dorsal colour varies from gray to almost black. The hairs on the head are long and thick, covering it to the muzzle.
They use caves, pedals and hollows of trees as shelter, forming colonies that can have up to 250 individuals. They can coexist with other species in the shelter.
They live in humid habitats in the forests, foraging about 1 to 5 m above the ground and over streams. They are slow and erratic. They mainly eat Lepidoptera. The call pulse has modulated frequency, with the frequency of maximum energy reaching 170 kHz.
Its distribution includes Colombia, Trinidad, Venezuela, Guianas, eastern Peru and Brazil. It is also distributed in Central America.

(Click image to enlarge)

Figure 1. Echolocation call of Furipterus horrens. A) Oscillogram of acoustic pulses; B) Spectrogram of a call; C) Intensity spectrogram.