
Infrastructure ESEC Maraca.

(under construction)


(under construction)

(under construction)

Survey Plots

30 permanent plots systematically distributed over 25 km2.

Infrastructure for camp access.

ESEC Maracá (The Maracá Ecological Station)

The Maracá Ecological Station in Roraima covers 103,976.48 hectares and was created in 1981 to preserve a representative sample of the Amazonian ecosystem, focusing on ecotones. The installation of the grid at Esec Maracá was carried out by members of PPBio Roraima and completed in March 2006.

Amapá Regional Center

The Regional Nucleus of Amapá (NRAP) was created in 2008 through cooperation between the Federal University of Amapá (UNIFAP), the Institute of Scientific and Technological Research of the State of Amapá (IEPA) and the Chico Mendes Institute of Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio). NRAP is based in Macapá, AP.

Flona do Amapá

The Amapá National Forest covers an area of 459,867 hectares and is located in the the Guiana Shield region, in the center of the State of Amapá and covers part of the three municipalities of Ferreira Gomes, Pracuúba and Amapá. This conservation unit was created in 1989 to enable the sustainable exploitation of wood, as well as to protect the biodiversity and the continuity of low impact activities carried out by indigenous populations that already inhabited the area.

Myotis nigricans

Myotis nigricans
