Fazenda Experimental - UFAM (Experimental Farm)

The Experimental Farm of the Federal University of Amazonas - UFAM - covers an area of ​​3,000 hectares (3 x 10 km) of tropical rain forest. The farm is located at km 38 of highway BR-174 and limits to the south with the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA) and to the north with the Experimental Station of Tropical Fruit Growing (EEFT) and Experimental Station of Silviculture Tropical (EEST), both belonging to INPA.
This site has a grid of 24 km2, with 59 km of trails and 41 plots installed (21 land plots and 20 riparian and aquatic plots).
The project for installing the grid and terrestrial survey plots began in 2007, with resources from the project "Biological Diversity in Two Areas in Central Amazonia: Integrated Sampling Subsidies", promoted by CNPq (Universal Announcement 470375 / 2006-0) and Coordination of the Experimental Farm (Prof. M.Sc. Marco Antonio Mendonça). The installation of riparian and aquatic plots is supported by the project "Herpetofauna associated with aquatic environments in mainland forests in Central Amazonia: subsidies for identification of bioindicator species", also promoted by CNPq / CT-Hidro (555268 / 2006-3) .
Location of UFAM Experimental Farm.                                     
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Marcelo Menin
Universidade Federal do Amazonas
Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Biologia. 
Avenida General Rodrigo Otávio, 3000, Laboratório de Zoologia
Coroado CEP: 69077-000 - Manaus, AM - Brasil
Telefone: (92) 36474231