The farm is located at km 38 of the BR-174 highway.
(under construction)
The metal camp (Image 1) is installed on the East-West trail 1, at 4,500. It has 36 m2 and was built with financial resources from CNPq, Graduate Program in Ecology at INPA and PPBio.
The total cost was approximately R $ 10,200.00, distributed as follows: R $ 5,300.00 of material, R $ 245.00 of fuel to transport the material and personnel from Manaus to the headquarters of the Farm, R $ 1,400.00 of labor to transport material from the headquarters of the Farm to the point of installation on the grid, R $ 250.00 for food for auxiliaries, R $ 3,000.00 for locksmith services and installation of the camp (which includes the locksmith) and two more auxiliaries).
Image 1. Metal frame camp Fazenda Experimental UFAM
41 installed plots, of which 21 on land and 20 riparian and aquatic plots.
Access infrastructures in the field
Grid of 24 km2, 59 km of trails
- Wood bridge
In the grid of UFAM's Experimental Farm, a wooden bridge was built on the East-West trail 1, at point 1,600. A large stream (Igarapé do Guaraná) crosses all the East-West trails and, during the rainy season, can form large areas of flooding on its banks, which can reach 300 m in width.
The bridge is 60 m long and 1.20 m wide (Image 2), covering the main channel of the stream and a part of the flooding area. The bridge was built with resources from PPBio (labor), CNPq (material and food) and the Direction of the Experimental Farm (gasoline and chainsaw oil). All the wood used for the production of the bridge was obtained on the farm itself, using dead tree trunks, made of rigid wood for great durability. The total cost for the production of the bridge was approximately R $ 3,000.00, distributed as follows: R $ 1,500.00 for labor, R $ 450.00 for material (chains and chainsaw files, ropes, nails, hammer, handsaw, rosaries and boots), R $ 350.00 for food, R $ 400.00 for chainsaw rental and R $ 300.00 for gasoline and oil.
Image 2. Wooden bridge grid Fazenda Experimental UFAM
Geographic coordinates
West: -60.07 degrees
East: -60.03 degrees
North: -2.37 degrees
South: -2.39 degrees
(under construction)
Technical support
(under construction)
Marcelo Menin
Universidade Federal do Amazonas
Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Biologia.
Avenida General Rodrigo Otávio, 3000, Laboratório de Zoologia
Coroado CEP: 69077-000 - Manaus, AM - Brasil
Telefone: (92) 36474231