The Ecological Station is a type of integral protection conservation unit, where only the indirect use of its natural resources is permitted, i.e. scientific research and educational visits. Esec Cuniã, was created by the Federal Decree of September 27, 2001 and is located in the north of the State of Rondônia, in the municipality of Porto Velho. Its total area is 125,849.23 hectares, divided into two distinct areas, adjacent to Resex Cuniã (a protected area with sustainable use of natural resources), denominated area I and area II. Access to the east side of areas I and II is done by river via the Madeira River, direction Porto Velho - Manaus, to the District of Nazaré, to access area I and, to the riverside communities of Pau D'Arco and Belém, to Access to area II. The use of the Madeira River for displacement makes it possible to reach the lakes and streams of the unit, especially the Aponiã stream, the Capitari stream and the Peixe boi, Barraquinha and Pau D'Arco lakes. Access to the west side of the unit occurs on BR-319, towards Porto Velho - Humaitá-AM, making it possible to move to the terra firme area, in particular the open ombrophylous forest of the Amazon biome
ESEC Cuniã, together with the Cuniã Lake Extractive Reserve and the Jacundá National Forest, are part of Cuniã-Jacundá Integrated Management (GICJ). To read more about it, click here.
The sampling site at ESEC Cuniã is a complete grid of a PELD site (25 km2). Data of this type are the most complete and most useful for long-term monitoring and geographical comparisons. These are probably suitable for most analyzes. Grid monitoring studies should use the methods described in data metrics from prior PPBio studies, or include a calibration phase within the project to ensure that the data can be comparable. (Read more about data available on the PPBio Portal).
Guidelines to facilitate the search in the repository: in the search page of the link above, type the keyword: Cuniã
Rubiani de Cássia Paggoto
Coordinator of the PPBio-RO Nucleus
Departamento de Biologia
Universidade Federal de Rondônia - UNIR
rubiani@unir.br fone(069) 21822276
Ângelo Gilberto Manzatto
Departamento de Biologia
Universidade Federal de Rondônia - UNIR