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INPA/CENBAM research paper published in Biological Conservation journal.


"Importance of matrix in determining small-mammal assemblages in Amazonian Forest-Savanna mosaic."

- Clarice Borges Matos, Susan Aragón, Maria Nazareth Ferreira da Silva, Marie-Josée Fortin, William E. Magnusson.

PPBio/CENBAM training. Plot installation in FLONA Tapajós.

January 6 to 15, 2017 in the Tapajós National Forest.
Training in the installation of permanent plots of uniform distribution, was presented by Thaiane Rodrigues de Sousa and Maria Aparecida de Freitas, of the Center for Integrated Studies of Amazonian Biodiversity (CENBAM) and Biodiversity Research Program (PPBio), in the meeting center of the Acaratinga community.

Infrastruture - Cauamé

The module is located on the Cauamé Campus, an experimental site located at the Center of Agricultural Sciences (CCA) of UFRR. From Boa Vista, access to the module is to the north by highway BR-174 towards Pacaraima, approximately 15 km from the center of Boa Vista, following the road that gives access to the Monte Cristo I region. Upon reaching the CCA , You should follow a dirt track of approximately 1 km until the entrance to the module.

Prazeres da Mesa Magazine interview CENBAM Researcher that talks about the challenges in the cultivation of edible mushrooms in the Amazon.

        Prazeres da Mesa magazine, one of the most prestigious cooking magazines in the country, interviewed in its issue of December 2015 Dr. Noemia Kazue Ishikawa, researcher at INPA / CENBAM. In 2014, she introduced along with the chef Philip Schaedler, owner of Banzeiro restaurant, edible mushroom Lentinula raphanica in Table Event Trends: International Gastronomy Congress.

Rhinemys rufipes



Rhinemys rufipes

Scientific Name: Rhinemys rufipes

Local Name: cágado vermelho.

South American: tortuga achiote.
