Clearing and maintenance of PPBio research trails.

Between December 2016 and January 2017, the access trails and corridors of 42 plots were cleaned and maintained at the  collection sites of the Experimental Plantation of UFAM and the 01 Module of BR 319 (Purupuru - Km 34). The maintenance of the trails is carried out periodically in order to improve access and facilitate the locomotion of researchers in the research plots. In addition to the removal of fallen logs and branches, the pipes and plates were replaced every 50m and georeferenced. The plots were revitalized and georeferenced every 10 m using INCT-CENBAM resources.


Recently cleared fallen tree. Module M01 (BR319)

Geodesic reference point installed in the UFAM Experimental Reserve. 

Corridor of survey plot marked out with tape (UFAM).

Aluminium identification tag on a survey plot picket.

Access trail with identity tag.

A recently cleared trail in the UFAM experimental reserve.
Photos by: Emilio Manabu
Text: Thaiane Sousa e Maria Aparecida de Freitas
Translated by Tim Vincent (6/3/2017)