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The PPBio/CENBAM Biotecas are online collections of images and other types of media such as videos, sound recordings and references, with information from various groups of organisms. They are useful not only for the study and conservation of biodiversity, but also to provide information on the groups concerned to the general public. 

The influence of the moon on bats' activity.

Giulliana Appel, a masters student on INPA's Graduate Program in Ecology, jointly with researchers from PPBio / CENBAM, evaluated the influence of lunar luminosity on the flying activity of insectivorous bats. The research was carried out in the Adolpho Ducke Reserve (Manaus-AM), where ultrasound recorders were installed to identify and evaluate the activity of the bats by the ultrasound that they emit.

Event "The Amazon discovers the Amazon" with the participation of a researcher from CENBAM / PPBio


CENBAM / PPBio researchers Noemia Kazue Ishikawa and Charles Clement will attend the event "The Amazon discovers the Amazon", which will take place on April 8 and 9 at the Estação Estação Gasômetro in Belém / PA. The event will also count on the participation of the renowned chef Alex Atala, as well as other great cooks, chefs, scientists and growers from all over the Amazon Region, in order to get to know and taste our Non-Conventional Food Plants (PANCs).
