Workshop - Training in vegetation structure measurement techniques

The workshop "Training in vegetation structure measurement techniques" will take place from 08 to 23 June 2015. The workshop will be held in the BR319 M12 research module in Humaitá, in the community of Mr. Antônio.

The workshop will have a workload of 80 hours and will have as participants Maria Aparecida de Freitas, Raimunda Nazaré Oliveira Araújo, João Araújo, (INPA / PPBIO / CENBAM), Júlio Nauan Caruta and Martin Acosta of the Federal University of Acre (UFAC) Of community residents.

The workshop will be promoted by the Executor Nucleus of CENBAM and the PROJECT SCENARIOS under the Coordination Maria Aparecida de Freitas and will aim to test the method used by RAPELD to measure vegetation structure. For more information, contact
Target Audience: Local community, students, teachers and managers.