
Vice-coordinator of INCT-CENBAM will participate in a meeting and give a lecture at the Environment Museum (RJ)

The INCT-CENBAM vice-coordinator, Dr. Noemia Kazue Ishikawa, with experience in the field of Mycology, will participate in a meeting with the team of Dr. Viviane Kruel for studies on ethno-knowledge.
Dr. Noemia Ishikawa will give a lecture on edible Yanomamis fungi entitled "Edible mushrooms from the Amazon: biodiversity, ethnomycology and alternative income".
The lecture will be held at the Environment Museum, at Rua Jardim Botânico nº1008, on September 26th at 2pm.
Participation is free.

Popularization of Science in the Amazon of INCT-CENBAM 2019: Distribution and launching of books.

Launch of the book Përisi: Marasmius yanomami no Musa (Largo de São Sebastião) in Manaus

Dissertations - 2007


  1. ABRAHÃO, C. R. Efeito de riachos, chuva e disponibilidade de presas na ocorrência de Bothrops atrox (Serpentes: Viperidae) em uma área de 25 Km2 na Amazônia Central. 2007. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ecologia), INPA/UFAM, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq. Orientadora: Albertina Pimentel Lima. Available for download
