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Infrastruture Anavilhanas Arquipelago

(under construction)
(under construction)
(under construction)

BR-319 infrastructure and access

Infrastructure and access
The modules were installed at intervals of 40 to 60 km. Each module has two trails of 5 km each, 1 km apart. The trails closest to Manaus are the trails "norte" (TN) and the ones closest to Humaitá "sul" (TS). On each trail, RAPELD standard land parcels were installed every kilometer. In each location, 1 module with 2 tracks (for details see the modules) is implemented 1 km apart.
* see exception for the km 83 module in the metadata of this module.

Module KM 83

In this location, the modules are smaller than the original design of PPBio, given the existence of large lakes that prevented the opening of continuous trails of 5 km. Therefore, three modules were installed, respectively, 3 km (“Course”), 2.5 km (“Raimundo”) and 1 km (“ZéVaqueiro”) in length. The plots are arranged every 1km along the trails, with 4 plots on the “Curso” trail, 3 on the “Raimundo” trail and 2 on the “Zévaqueiro” trail.
