
Latin American Seminar on Training the Interconnection between Biodiversity and Health - September 4th to 6th, 2012

The "Latin American Seminar on Training the Interconnection between Biodiversity and Health" took place in Manaus between the 4th and 6th of September 2012, promoted by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation through the Vice-Presidency of Environment, Attention and Health Promotion Fiocruz / VPAAPS of the State of Rio de Janeiro.

Workshop on Analysis of Targets for Conservation in Tapajós and Juruena

The workshop “Analysis of Conservation Targets for the Tapajós and Juruena River Basins” was held in Rio de Janeiro, in the auditorium of the Energy Research Company, Av. Rio Branco, 1, 9th floor, on May 31 and 01 June 2011, from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm.
The event aimed to analyze the degree of knowledge of the region's flora and fauna, identify secondary data sources and information gaps and point out the conservation targets that will guide the survey of hydroecological information in the basins of the Tapajós and Juruena rivers.

Exchange of PPBio / CENBAM with researchers from Australia

From April 17 to April 30, 2010, researchers Dr Jean-Marc Hero and Dr Ben Eric Lawson of Griffith University, Australia, will be on a scientific visit to exchange with PPBio / CENBAM researchers and visit research sites PPBio / CENBAM around Manaus. The visit was funded by INPA's PCI program.
