Latin American Seminar on Training the Interconnection between Biodiversity and Health - September 4th to 6th, 2012

The "Latin American Seminar on Training the Interconnection between Biodiversity and Health" took place in Manaus between the 4th and 6th of September 2012, promoted by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation through the Vice-Presidency of Environment, Attention and Health Promotion Fiocruz / VPAAPS of the State of Rio de Janeiro.
The objective of the seminar was through participatory lectures and workshops, to prepare technical inputs to discuss, formulate and evaluate health and environment policy, as well as to promote the alignment of concepts, programs and goals between policies and practices for a Biodiversity Program and Cheers.
The event was attended by about 50 invited technicians, researchers and decision makers in the area of ​​Biodiversity and Health in the countries of Latin America, the Caribbean, Mexico, Canada and the USA, who met to produce digital media documents containing the conceptual bases for discussion and the initial alignment plan for biodiversity and health actions in Latin America, with identification of synergies, needs and opportunities.
The main theme of the event was biodiversity and its relationship with health, on September 6, a guided technical visit to Bosque da Ciência was held and a lecture was presented, entitled "The role of long-term research projects in conservation" , taught by researcher William E. Magnusson, where the participants could understand, from an overview, the situation of biodiversity in the Amazon at that time.