
Infrastruture KM 450 Module

The M09 is located at Parna Nascentes do Lago Jari and is a federal conservation unit in Brazil categorized as a national park, created by Presidential Decree on May 308, 2008 in an area of ​​812,141,0000 hectares in the state of Amazonas. Authorization is required for the collection of scientific material: ICMBio

Infraestrutura Módulo KM 400

The M08 is located in the Lago do Capanã Grande Extractive Reserve and is a federal conservation unit in Brazil categorized as an extractive reserve, created by Presidential Decree on June 3, 2004 in an area of ​​304,146 hectares in the state of Amazonas. Authorization is required for the collection of scientific material:

Infrastruture KM 350 Module

The M07 module is within the Igapó-Açu RDS (State UC) and in addition to the normal research license, a license for research in a State Conservation Unit is required to access the area. For more information, contact the Department of Climate Change and Conservation Units of the State Secretariat for the Environment (DEMUC-SEMA), at email

Infrastruture KM 300 Module

Module M06 is within the RDS of Igapó-Açu - Igapó-Açu Sustainable Development Reserve and in addition to the normal research license, a license for research in a State Conservation Unit is required to access the area. For more information, contact the Department of Climate Change and Conservation Units of the State Secretariat for the Environment (DEMUC-SEMA), at email
