The Annual Meeting - IV CENBAM and PPBio Amazônia Ocidental Symposium took place at the National Institute for Research in the Amazon (INPA), from November 21 to 23, 2018, with the participation of researchers, students and fellows belonging to both projects research, working on studies in the area of biodiversity. The event aimed to provide interaction between researchers from Regional Centers and encourage the participation of undergraduate and graduate students in the research activities of INCT-CENBAM and PPBio Amazônia Ocidental.

The first day of the event was intended for the presentation of the coordinators of the Regional Centers participating in the projects. These nuclei represent the following states: Acre (Rio Branco), Amapá (Macapá), Amazonas (Humaitá, Executor Nucleus (Manaus), Presidente Figueiredo, São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Tefé), Mato Grosso (Sinop), Pará (Santarém), Rondônia and Roraima.

In the afternoon, work proposals were presented to the coordinators of each NR, while on the last day, the coordinators of each NR discussed and exposed the proposals that they would be responsible for complying with, with deadlines set up to 12/2019.

We count on the support of INPA for the space and setting up of banners, in addition to the financial support for the event of the Foundation for the Support of Research of the State of Amazonas, through the Edital PAREV (Support Program for the Realization of Scientific and Technological Events in the State) do Amazonas) - Public Notice 005/2017 and INCT - Center for Integrated Studies of Amazonian Biodiversity (CENBAM), through the FAPEAM / FDB / INPA Agreement No. 003/2012.
The event organizers would like to thank the coordinators, students and scholarship holders of the Regional Centers for their important contribution to the event, exposing their scientific work and, also, to all the members of the Manaus Executing Center, for their commitment and dedication in carrying out the event.
- Núcleo Regional do Acre
- Núcleo Regional do Amapá
- Lecture Timothy Vincent