Exchange of PPBio / CENBAM with researchers from Australia

From April 17 to April 30, 2010, researchers Dr Jean-Marc Hero and Dr Ben Eric Lawson of Griffith University, Australia, will be on a scientific visit to exchange with PPBio / CENBAM researchers and visit research sites PPBio / CENBAM around Manaus. The visit was funded by INPA's PCI program.
Foreign researchers intend to write scientific papers together with researchers from Manaus, and to elaborate scientific exchange plans for the future. Researchers and students interested in participating in the activities should contact Bill Magnusson or Andresa (092 36431834, 88446410).
Dr Jean-Marc Hero is Deputy Director, Environmental Futures Center, Environmental Futures Center, School of Environment, Griffith University, Gold Coast campus, Qld 4222 Australia. He is Coordinator of PPBio Australasia and is implementing grids of the RAPELD system in Chitwan National Park in Nepal.
Dr Ben Lawson is an associate researcher at Griffith University, and is also Acting Principal Policy Officer at the State Valuation Services, Queensland Department of Environment & Resource Management.