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Chandless Infrastructure

The module is located about 1.5 km from the headquarters of the UC, inserted in two forest types: bamboo forest, palm forest. The region of the module has wavy to smooth wavy relief and is cut by small streams, with only a few being perennial. It has 8 trails in total, two of 5 km where the plots are installed and six of 1 km.
The access to the module is made by waterway at about 800 meters from the Headquarters on the right bank of the Chandless River.

Médio Juruá (Mid-Juruá River)

Coordenator: Dr. Carlos Peres 
Funding: Darwin Initiative for the Survival of Species – DEFRA/UK
Lead Institution: University of East Anglia

Coari Regional Center

The Coari Regional Center was created in 2009 with the approval of the MCT / CNPq / PPBio No. 60/2009 publication with the project "The Middle Solimões Region Biological Diversity: Inventories, Professional Collections and Training as subsidies for the Conservation of the Amazon. ".

The Return of Giant Otters to the Baniwa region.

       The giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) is the largest existing mustelid, endemic to Latin America. The species was considered to be locally extinct in many areas of its historical distribution due to intense commercial hunting for their valuable skin. Only with the hunting ban in Brazil in 1967, did the species began to show signs of population recovery.
