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Infrastruture Nhumirim (Pantanal Sul)

(under construction)
(under construction)
(under construction)
(under construction)
Access infrastructures in the field
(under construction)
Geographic coordinates


The center already has a research module installed, where fish surveys, shrimps, insects (Odonata), spiders, palm trees, woody plants and aquatic microorganisms (bacterioplankton, phytoplankton and zooplankton) are being conducted, and to evaluate plants with the potential to bioprospecting and verify the activity of the active principles and carry methodological procedures for obtaining extracts of botanical species identified.

Ilha Grande

The Great Island is a fragment of the coastal massif of approximately 190 km2 and a rather rugged relief. Ilha Grande is located in the municipality of Angra dos Reis, in the tourist region of Costa Verde, RJ. The terrestrial part of the island is now protected by two Integral Protection Conservation Units, the Ilha Grande-PEIG State Park (12052 ha) and the Praia do Sul-RBPS Biological Reserve (3600 ha).

Infrastruture Ilha Grande

East Module:
Take a transport to Mangaratiba, Conceição de Jacareí or Angra dos Reis from where boats and sloops leave for Vila do Abraão on Ilha Grande. For arrival and departure times for transportation to Vila do Abraão see
The East module plots can be accessed either from Vila do Abraão or Vila Dois Rios. In Vila do Abraão there are several camping areas, inns and the support house of INEA.

Fazenda Experimental - UFAM (Experimental Farm)

The Experimental Farm of the Federal University of Amazonas - UFAM - covers an area of ​​3,000 hectares (3 x 10 km) of tropical rain forest. The farm is located at km 38 of highway BR-174 and limits to the south with the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA) and to the north with the Experimental Station of Tropical Fruit Growing (EEFT) and Experimental Station of Silviculture Tropical (EEST), both belonging to INPA.
