
PPBio Grids and Modules

On the scale of the Amazon basin (or of the country or state), each grid is a sampling unit, and the units of sampling are smaller sub-units. For long-term ecological studies within the same site, there are spatially explicit standardized modules that allow comparisons within and between grids. Not all organisms can be efficiently sampled at the same sampling unit.

Zoological Collections

      INPA's zoological collections are respositories of biological material that are not only home to species, but also to information about the populations of each species, climatic, edaphic data and so on.

Prazeres da Mesa Magazine interview CENBAM Researcher that talks about the challenges in the cultivation of edible mushrooms in the Amazon.

        Prazeres da Mesa magazine, one of the most prestigious cooking magazines in the country, interviewed in its issue of December 2015 Dr. Noemia Kazue Ishikawa, researcher at INPA / CENBAM. In 2014, she introduced along with the chef Philip Schaedler, owner of Banzeiro restaurant, edible mushroom Lentinula raphanica in Table Event Trends: International Gastronomy Congress.
