
Infrastruture BR-163

(under construction)
(under construction)
(under construction)
105 installments.
Access infrastructures in the field
(under construction)
Geographic coordinates

Module KM 83

In this location, the modules are smaller than the original design of PPBio, given the existence of large lakes that prevented the opening of continuous trails of 5 km. Therefore, three modules were installed, respectively, 3 km (“Course”), 2.5 km (“Raimundo”) and 1 km (“ZéVaqueiro”) in length. The plots are arranged every 1km along the trails, with 4 plots on the “Curso” trail, 3 on the “Raimundo” trail and 2 on the “Zévaqueiro” trail.

Infrastruture KM 450 Module

The M09 is located at Parna Nascentes do Lago Jari and is a federal conservation unit in Brazil categorized as a national park, created by Presidential Decree on May 308, 2008 in an area of ​​812,141,0000 hectares in the state of Amazonas. Authorization is required for the collection of scientific material: ICMBio
