The book "Biodiversity of the Cristalino National Park" compiles studies that involved several biological groups, such as frogs, primates, fish, invertebrates, plants and fungi. Richly illustrated and written in simple language, the book both instigates the perception of biodiversity for a wide audience, and presents a reference for researchers and students on the use of the RAPELD system for studies and monitoring of biodiversity. The book is the result of the work of many researchers and organized by the Coordinator of the SINOP PPBio Regional Nucleus, Dr. Domingos de Jesus Rodrigues, Janaína da Costa de Noronha, Vanessa França Vindica and Flávia Rodrigues Barbosa.

The partnership between researchers from the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT), the State Secretariat for the Environment (SEMA-MT), the Protected Areas of the Amazon Program (ARPA) and NEBAM (the Amazon Biodiversity Studies Center) -grossense) enabled the survey and cataloging of knowledge about the flora and fauna existing in the Cristalino State Park.
This conservation unit has great potential for public use and an exceptional biodiversity due to different physiognomies (Dense Ombrophylous Forest, patches of Campinarana and Campo Rupestre) which results in a rich composition of the populations and fauna communities that live in these varied environments.
The scientific knowledge generated by this work, will enable a greater appreciation of the conservation unit on the part of academic communities, of society in general, which may use this publication as an instrument for the process of raising awareness in environmental education actions, thus contributing to for in situ conservation of the biodiversity of the Cristalino State Park and the Amazon.
The book also tells the story of PPBio, the choice and process for installing the modules until the data is made available in the PPBio repository.
Text: Maria Aparecida de Freitas.