Article in "Journal of Avian Biology" addresses effects of avian malaria in blue-crowned manakin, a sort of dancing bird.

        This research shows the effects of avian malaria, caused by the infection of theprotozoan of the genus Plasmodium on the social behavior of Lepidothrix coronata (Aves: Pipridae). The birds of this species, popularly known as "blue-crowned manakins” are well-known for holding exhibitions of dances to females during the breeding season. These dances are performed on dance perches located within traditional locations where the males congregate. Such aggregates, which may have between one and seven adult males are called “leks”. Females do not participate in the lek, visiting them only occasionally, usually during the breeding season.

       The researchers found that the overall prevalence of avian malaria (% of infected individuals / total individuals sampled) was 47% in blue-crowned manakin. However, the prevalence of malaria varied within each range. In leks with a high prevalence of avian malaria, vocalization rates and dancing were lower compared to the ranges where the prevalence was lower. In leks with a high prevalence of malaria, uninfected males vocalized and danced more compared to those infected. Such effects on host individuals are possibly related to the highly pathogenic strains of Plasmodium found in the blood of these individuals.

        In addition, researchers have observed that female blue-crowned manakins first choose the leks that they will visit. Generally the most popular leks are the bigger ones with a larger number of adult males. When visiting these biggest leks, females can compare the performance of adult males during their dance displays, and assess how well coordinated these individuals are. Within the larger leks, females visit adult males that dance, vocalize, and interact with each other the most. Given that uninfected males are more active (they dance and sing more), and that females the visit them more, it is possible that vocalisation and dancing behaviours are trustworthy indicators  showing how healthy an individual is, thus aiding the female's choice during visits to the dance perches.

       The work is part of Mariane Bosholn's dissertation, under the guidance of Dr. Marina Anciães (INPA) and co-supervised by Dr. Alan Fecchio (Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University). This research also includes work done by Dr. Patricia Silveira and Dr. Erika Braga, of the Federal University of Minas Gerais Malaria Laboratory.

        The online version is available here

        TEXT: Mariane Bosholn

        PHOTO: Marina Maximiano

        TRANSLATION: Tim Vincent

Fêmea L. coronataMacho L. coronata

Female and male of Lepidothrix coronata, respectively.