VI CENBAM and PPBio Western Amazon Symposium

Between June 27 and 28, 2024, the VI CENBAM and PPBio Western Amazon Symposium was held at the National Institute for Amazonian Research - INPA. Researchers, students and scholarship holders linked to the Center for Amazonian Biodiversity Studies (INCT-CENBAM) and the Biodiversity Research Program in the Western Amazon, Inventories and Ecosystems component, coordinated by researchers Albertina Pimentel Lima (INPA) and Domingos de Jesus Rodrigues (UFMT), respectively, participated in the event. The objectives of the meeting were to present the research work of the members of the Regional Nuclei of INCT/CENBAM and PPBio AmOc (students, researchers and coordinators), as well as to hold meetings between the coordinators of both projects, this being a great opportunity to plan their research and establish new partnerships among their members.

VI_Simposium_2024 Group Photo

On the first day of the event, presentations were made by the Regional Nuclei located in Acre, represented by the coordinator Professor Dr. Marcos Silveira (UFAC), Amapá, represented by Dr. Carlos Eduardo Campos (UNIFAP), Humaitá, represented by MSc. Mariel Acácio (UFAM), Tefé, represented by the coordinator Dr. Rafael Rabelo (IDSM), Sinop, represented by the coordinator Professor Dr. Domingos de Jesus Rodrigues (UFMT), Santarém, represented by Professor Dr. Rodrigo Fadini (UFOPA), Rondônia, represented by the coordinator Dr. Angelo Manzatto (UNIR), Roraima, represented by Dr. Carolina Castilho (Embrapa/RR) and the coordinator Dr. Marcos Vital (UFRR) and, São Gabriel da Cachoeira, represented by Moisés Luiz da Silva. After the presentation, Working Groups were formed to discuss the work strategies of the Regional Nuclei. Also on the first day in the afternoon (2:00 pm to 6:00 pm), the banners were exhibited in the ground floor of the restaurant.

On the second and last day of the event, the coordinators met to discuss the work strategies and goals, presenting the final work goals that will be carried out over the next 2 years in the afternoon.

This event was supported by INPA through the space provided for the meeting and banner exhibition, as well as financial support from the Amazonas Research Support Foundation (FAPEAM), through the PAREV Announcement (Program to Support the Realization of Scientific and Technological Events in the State of Amazonas - Announcement No. 005/2023).

The organizers of the event thank the participation of the coordinators, scholarship holders and students of the Regional Nuclei for their important contributions to the event, through the exhibition of banners and submission of abstracts, as well as the planning of the final work goals that will be carried out over the next 2 years. We also thank all the members of the Organizing Committee for their commitment and dedication to the realization of the event.

The lectures from the first day of the event can be viewed on Instagram. Instgram_Icon



Symposium Information

Presentations of the Regional Nuclei (NRs):







São Gabriel da Cachoeira




Banners of the works presented at the event:

NR Acre

NR Amapá

NR Humaitá

NR Rondônia

NR Roraima

NR Santarém

NR São Gabriel da Cachoeira

NR Sinop

NR Tefé