Infrastruture KM 540 Module

The M10 module is more easily accessed from Humaitá, a city of 40,000 inhabitants, 770 km from Manaus and 210 km from Porto Velho, which has several shops, where it is possible to purchase basic field material. The Manaus-Porto Velho flight ticket costs, on average, R $ 150.00. The bus from Porto Velho to Humaitá costs around R $ 70.00. In Humaitá, support from UFAM and Project Cenários staff is possible, but contacts must be consulted in advance. Departing from Porto Velho, it is about 200 km to Humaitá, being necessary to cross the Madeira River by ferry (R $ 6.90 per car). From Humaitá to the Lábrea interchange there are 30 km of road recently recovered by the army. Entering BR-319, the M11 module is 42 km from the Lábrea interchange and about 70 km from this interchange is located the village of Realidade, where it is possible to have a snack and find out information about the road. The M10 module camp is located 50 km from the village of Realidade on the right bank (towards Humaitá-Manaus) on top of a ravine and 200 meters before a small bridge (km 540 of the BR-319). Departing from Manaus, the same route is made until reaching the M09 (access the description of this module on the PPBio page). From the M09 to the M10 there are over 82 km of bad road, with complicated puddles and many holes. However, bridges are better and more reinforced. On this stretch of BR-319, the “Catarino” farm is located, a family of migrants who remained in the region after abandoning the highway, which carries out the maintenance of bridges and transmission lines for EMBRATEL. They are helpful to travelers and can provide any assistance.
Conditions of the trails and camps
It is highly recommended to use GPS loaded with the proper coordinates. The tracks in this module are in the PPBio standard, with plots and zero points at the correct distances. TN's entrance is 1 km north of the camp (towards Manaus). It is necessary to be very careful not to get lost in this place, as it is an abandoned plantation of Babaçu and the trail mark is lost amidst the thin vegetation. If entering without a GPS, a very experienced field assistant is advised. The TS entrance is very visible and accessed directly from the camp.
What's nearby
Almost anything. The nearest EMBRATEL tower is Arlindo Raiol, located 27 km north of the camp. Between the camp and the tower there are the Puruzinho and Piquiá streams. Approximately 1 km south of the M10 lives a man (nickname "Gaúcho") who owns a farm and eventually spends a few days on the BR-319. However, it is not recommended to rely on your help, as there are no right periods to find it.
Where to get water
There is no well in this module. This region is higher (plateau) and the water table is deeper. The water available for bathing and cooking is collected in the stream (200 m north of the camp). To cook it is necessary to carry the water from the stream to the camp and it is recommended to treat it with hypochlorite or equivalent. Among the PPBio modules on the BR-319, this is the longest distance to access the water, being convenient to stay with a vehicle on site to transport it to the camp. The stream is perennial, but adjustments are needed, according to the water levels, on the board used for the bath.
Local staff
Do not exist. Any field assistants who are needed should be provided in the city of Humaitá or Castanho, as there are no permanent residents nearby.
BR-319 is commonly used as a route by different walkers, which can be malicious. Thus, it is recommended for these excursions to the central part of the highway, larger groups that can inhibit an eventual malicious approach and always leave one or more people, such as: the cook, watching the camp during the incursions to the module.
If you need help
It is extremely preventive to keep a vehicle in place, because in the event of a more serious incident, there is nowhere or how to turn to help. There are phones in the EMBRATEL towers, but they are usually locked or inoperable. The nearest tower is Arlindo Raiol, 27 km north of the M10 camp. In case of emergency, the nearest hospital is Humaitá. At km 590 there is the village Realidade which has a health post.
Term of commitment and rules of conduct
Before going to the field, you must download, read and sign the Term of Commitment and Standards of Conduct of BR-319 and send it to the PPBio Management at email
Download the official GIS with all points along BR-319: Shapefiles Modules BR-319
Gerência PPBio
Coordenação de Pesquisas em Ecologia
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia