Projeto Biodiversa

Project approved in Edital nº 007/2021 - Biodiversa/FAPEAM - Biodiversity and Tourism in the RDS Rio Negro

The Biodiversity and Tourism in the RDS Rio Negro project was developed to deepen our knowledge of one of the least biologically known regions of the Amazonas state, which is threatened by land grabbing and illegal logging. The people living in the west of the RDS, near the road that connects Manacapuru to Novo Airão, have few economic options, as this area has infertile soil and low agricultural potential. On the other hand, it has great potential for ecological tourism.

The general objective of the project is to deepen the knowledge of the biodiversity of the Sustainable Development Reserve of Rio Negro and generate material for the dissemination of biodiversity to enable ecological tourism activities in the reserve. Its specific objectives are:

(1) Install two RAPELD modules in the west of the RDS of Rio Negro, each with 12 km of trails and > 10 permanent plots of 250 m in length;

(2) Produce field guides suitable for use by tourist guides for at least three biological groups of interest for ecological tourism;

(3) Conduct standardized surveys in the modules for at least 4 biological groups;

(4) Train local community residents in the identification of species of interest to tourists;

(5) Map illegal activities (logging and construction of clandestine roads) in the module areas.

To download the proposal click here


Training and Capacity Building

1. Ecological Tourism Guide Training Course in the RDS of Rio Negro - April 16, 17, and 18, 2022

2. Workshop on Ecological Tourism Conductors in the Sustainable Development Reserve (RDS) of Rio Negro - April 21, 22, and 23, 2023.



Frogs of Eirunepé: Eiru-Juruá-Gregório Rivers

Authors: Albertina P. Lima, Anthony Ferreira, Silianomã Dantas, Miqueias Ferrão, Jussara Dayrell.

Year: 2024


Frogs of the RDS Rio Negro - Ramal do Uga-Uga Region

Authors: Albertina P. Lima, Anthony S. Ferreira, Jussara Dayrell, Rafaela C. S. Pereira, William E. Magnusson, Miquéias Ferrão.

Year: 2021


Birds of the Ramal do Uga-Uga

Authors: Ramiro Dário Melinski, Jânio Moura da Silva, Jânio Moura da Silva Filho, Esaú da Silva Lopes, William Ernest Magnusson.

Year: 2021


The hidden life that sustains the forests of Rio Negro

Authors: William Ernest Magnusson, Albertina P. Lima, Noemia Kazue Ishikawa, Sergio Santorelli, Adília P. R. Nogueira.

Year: 2022


  1. GEISLER, E. de F.; CAMPOS, L. L. F. de; CARVAHO-ROCHA, V.; FERREURA, A. S.; DAYRELL, J. S.; PEREIRA, R. C. dos S.; DANTAS, S. P.; MELINSKI, R. D.; LIMA, A. P.; PINHO, L. C. de; MAGNUSSON, W. E. 2024. Specialisation in frog-biting midges (Diptera: Corethrellidae): A landscape perspective. Ecological Entomology. 2024;1–14. DOI: 10.1111/een.13325. Available online

  2. OLIVEIRA, A. B. da S. de; BORGES, S. H.; PAES, A. T.; PEREIRA, R. C. dos S.; MELINSKI, R. D.; LIMA, A. P.; MAGNUSSON, W. E.; BACCARO, F. B. Beta diversity and microhabitat use of ant assemblages in a whitesand vegetation gradient in central Amazonia. Journal of Insect Conservation (2023). DOI: Available online

  3. LOPEZ, A. da S. & SILVA, J. M. Knowledge for environmental conservation and the future of society. 2022. In: Proceedings of the I Meeting on Popularization of Science in Ecology in the Amazon: Roles of Field Assistants in Science /Noemia Kazue Ishikawa et al. - Manaus: Editora INPA, 2022, pp. 30-31.

  4. CLEMENT, C. R. Some lessons from INPA's field assistants. 2022. In: Proceedings of the I Meeting on Popularization of Science in Ecology in the Amazon: Roles of Field Assistants in Science /Noemia Kazue Ishikawa et al. - Manaus: Editora INPA, 2022, pp. 32-35.


Works presented at scientific events

CRUZ, K. S.; MAGNUSSON, W. E. Development and expansion of ecotourism in the Rio Negro Sustainable Development Reserve. In: Book of Abstracts - Annual Meeting - V CENBAM and PPBio Symposium Western Amazon. Manaus, June 28-30, 2023, pp. 75-77.

FREITAS, R. E.; ISHIKAWA, N. K.; ISLA-VARGAS, R.; OLIVEIRA, J. J. S. Micro-tourism: an alternative for ecotourism in the Rio Negro Sustainable Development Reserve in the Uga-Uga branch, Novo Airão - AM. In: Book of Abstracts - Annual Meeting - V CENBAM and PPBio Symposium Western Amazon. Manaus, June 28-30, 2023, p. 78.

HIGASHIKAWA, E. M.; VIANA, I.; MAGNUSSON, W. E. Installation of RAPELD modules and camp in the Rio Negro Sustainable Development Reserve. In: Book of Abstracts - Annual Meeting - V CENBAM and PPBio Symposium Western Amazon. Manaus, June 28-30, 2023, pp. 82-83.

MELINSKI, R. D.; MAGNUSSON, W. E. Study of the avifauna of the Rio Negro Sustainable Development Reserve - Research Project. In: Book of Abstracts - Annual Meeting - V CENBAM and PPBio Symposium Western Amazon. Manaus, June 28-30, 2023, pp. 47-49.



GEISLER, E. de F. Specialization in frog-biting midges (Diptera: Corethrellidae): a landscape perspective. 2023. Dissertation (Master's in Biology (Ecology)) - National Institute for Amazonian Research, Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - CAPES. Advisor: William Ernest Magnusson.

FIGUEIREDO, T. S. 2024. Potential impacts of logging on the natural capital of a Sustainable Development Reserve: Composition and distribution of products and services provided by morphospecies of interest in a Sustainable Development Reserve. Advisor: William Ernest Magnusson.



Workshop on Ecological Tourism Conductors in the Sustainable Development Reserve (RDS) of Rio Negro. News published on the PPBio AmOc website about the workshop that took place in April 2023 in the RDS of Rio Negro.

Ecological Tourism Guide Training Course in the RDS of Rio Negro. News published on the PPBio AmOc website about the ecological tourism guide training course held in the RDS of Rio Negro in April 2022.