Workshop for Ecological Tourism Guides at the Rio Negro Sustainable Development Reserve (RDS)

The course took place on April 21st, 22nd, and 23rd, 2023 in Vale Dourado, located at km 50 of the Novo Airão road. Its main objective was to provide training for eco-tourism guides in the surrounding area of Vale Dourado, by providing theoretical and practical knowledge about the fauna, flora, and fungi of the Rio Negro Sustainable Development Reserve (RDS). The course included lectures, a workshop for children focusing on the biodiversity found in the RDS, and guided trails on frogs, reptiles, fungi, and ants.
RDS_Oficina1    RDS_Oficina2
The topics addressed in the lectures throughout the course were:

- Hidden life that sustains the forest – Dr. William Ernest Magnusson;

- Transforming communities with ecotourism – Tourism expert Rafael Estrela;

- First aid in the field – Environmental police officer Rodrigo Frazão;

- Observation of free-living reptiles as a form of ecotourism – Rodrigo Frazão;

- Knowing ants that don't feed on sugar – Doctoral student Amanda Batista;

- Discovering fungi in the RDS – Dr. Kelly Cruz;

- The Frogs of the RDS – Dr. Jussara Dayrell;

- Knowing the biodiversity of the RDS of Rio Negro through educational games – MSc. Adriane Araújo.

- Collaborators: Marly Castro and Eduardo de Farias Geisler.

Centro de Estudos Integrados da Biodiversidade Amazônica – CENBAM/INPA.
Dra. Kely da Silva Cruz.