The "Desvendando a biodiversidade amazônica da BR-319 por meio de jogos educativos" project, supported by the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa no Estado do Amazonas (FAPEAM), has developed two educational games about the diversity of snakes and fish found along the BR-319 highway in Humaitá, Amazonas. The games aim to increase awareness and knowledge of the local biodiversity and the importance of conservation for ecosystem services and social well-being. They are available in digital format and can be easily printed for use in other localities, with accompanying educational materials also available in local indigenous languages.

The project aims to expand the population's knowledge of biodiversity, showing in a playful manner the importance of conserving the environments in which these species live, for the maintenance of ecosystem services and social well-being. According to William Magnusson, the games are provided in an accessible digital format compatible with home printers so they can be replicated in other locations, and all supplementary educational materials will be published in the local indigenous language as well as Portuguese.
Project supported by the Amazonas Research Foundation - through the Science, Technology, and Innovation Popularization Support Program (POP CT&I) - Notice No. 004/2023