Workshop on collecting and preparing mushroom exsiccates for botanical identification

The course took place from 4/24 to 5/15 at indigenous schools located in the communities of the Rio Negro catchment (Itacoatiara Mirim, Serra do Mucura, Pirarara Poço, São Pedro) and at the UEA Campus in São Gabriel da Cachoeira. In addition to the communities, the workshop was also held in Presidente Figueiredo. The objective of the course was to teach classes on biodiversity and the use of mushrooms from the Amazon, in addition to teaching them about the collection and preparation of exsiccates for the botanical identification of species.

The course was taught by INPA researcher, Ms. Noemia Kazue Ishikawa, who was assisted by collaborators Messrs. Fernando Andriolli, Tiara Cabral and Moisés Barbosa.


Oficina_cogumelos_Itacoatiara_Mirim_Sao_Gabriel_2019 Oficina_cogumelos_Serra_do_Mucura_Sao_Gabriel_2019 Oficina_cogumelos_Itacoatiara_Pirarara_Poco_Sao_Gabriel_2019 Oficina_cogumelos_Sao_Pedro_2_Sao_Gabriel_2019 Oficina_cogumelos_UEA_Sao_Gabriel_2019
Itacoatiara Mirim Sao Gabriel Serra do Mucura Sao Gabriel

Itacoatiara Pirarara Poco

Sao Gabriel

Oficina_cogumelos_UEA_2_Sao_Gabriel_2019 Oficina_cogumelos_Presidente_Figueiredo_2  




Capacitação de Iniciação Científica: Experimentos laboratoriais e coletas na Reserva Adolpho Ducke, INPA, Manaus,Am


Instalação do Modulo com o método PPBio no km144, da BR 174 Amazon Emotions. Presidente Figueiredo/AM