About Sapoteca


Acoustic communication is especially important in reproductive biology and mating behaviour of anurans. In this sense, acoustic collections can be useful for the study and conservation of biodiversity, and contribute to the study of animal communication. The SAPOTECA aims to an integrated representation of different types of media (bibliographic notes, sound recordings, photographs, videos) of a particular set of data, the Amazonian frogs, and makes it available in an open-access website. In the website you will find sample of the species deposited in the library, with each species represented by a fraction of one call and/or video recording.
This project is part of the Centre for Integrated Studies of Amazonian Biodiversity “CENBAM" whose main objective is to integrate Amazonian biodiversity research in efficient scientific and technological production chains.
The creation of the SAPOTECA's database began around 10 years ago with recording and filming of Amazonian frogs by researchers of the National Institute of Amazonian Research “INPA” and collaborators, during surveys conducted throughout the Amazon region. All material deposited in this collection is accompanied by recording data, i.e., local and time of recording, air temperature, water temperature, body size of recorded male, and descriptions of digitization process and recording equipment. The material available in SAPOTECA will be stored in a hard drive at INPA, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. Currently, SAPOTECA has up to 500 audio files and 30 video files. However the work has not stop and we are continuously adding files to the library and species samples to the SAPOTECA website.
This online media collection not only aims to serve the interests of researchers, but also to provide a tool for educators, satisfy the curiosity of herpetology lovers, and of the general public about the acoustic communication of Amazonian anurans.
Contact us for more information on anuran call recordings.