
Beyond harm’s reach? Submersion of river turtle nesting areas and implications for restoration actions after Amazon hydropower development.

Tim Vincent 25.Jan.2017

This editorial presents a summary of and background to:

Norris et al. (2018), Beyond harm’s reach? Submersion of river turtle nesting areas and implications for restoration actions after Amazon hydropower development. PeerJ 6:e4228; DOI 10.7717/peerj.4228


Researcher at CENBAM is awarded the Commendation of the Order of Merit of the Judiciary of Labor, at the Superior Labor Court, in Brasília - DF.

The Vice-coordinator of CENBAM and researcher of the National Institute of Amazonian Research - INPA, Dr. Noemia Kazue Ishikawa, will be awarded the Order of Labor Merit, in the Degree Commendation. The ceremony will be held on August 11 (Friday), at the Superior Labor Court, in Brasília - DF.


Species List

Mar. 24, 2017


Species List

Amblyomma cajennense - male - female
