
INCT-CENBAM coordinator participates in VII SIMANCA, in SINOP-MT

INCT-CENBAM coordinator, Dr. William Magnusson, participates in the VII Southern Amazon Symposium on Environmental Sciences - VII SIMANCA, at UFMT - Campus of the Federal University of Mato Grosso, in SINOP-MT.

Latin American Seminar on Training the Interconnection between Biodiversity and Health - September 4th to 6th, 2012

The "Latin American Seminar on Training the Interconnection between Biodiversity and Health" took place in Manaus between the 4th and 6th of September 2012, promoted by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation through the Vice-Presidency of Environment, Attention and Health Promotion Fiocruz / VPAAPS of the State of Rio de Janeiro.
