
Citizen Science Workshop. 14-15 February 2017

In February 2017 members of PPBio's Western Amazonian team were invited to participate in the 2 day Citizen Science Workshop in Brasilia. The objective of the workshop was to discuss key questions of Brazilian citizen science with the objective of creating a foundation for a SiBBr citizen science program.

More here:

By Tim Vincent.


Zoological Collections.

Zoological collections are repositories of biological material that contain not only specimens, but information of the populations of each species, associated with climatic, edaphic data, etc. Helping in understanding the life of the planet. Relevant to public health, agriculture, industrial setore.s, etc. With the help of PPBio it was possible to collect several species of organisms that were deposited in the INPA zoological collection.

The geographic bias in Brazilian biodiversity sampling.

A linha de véu: a biodiversidade brasileira desconhecida.
The Veil Line: unknown Brazilian biodiversity.
