
Trail B – Floresta Estadual Canutama

The 5 km trail is located in the Canutama State Forest, in the municipality of Canutama. One of the limits of the Forest is the left bank of the Purus River. The trail was opened in September 2010 to collect fauna and flora data for the preparation of the Conservation Unit Management Plan. This work was carried out within the Purus-Madeira Initiative project, hired by SDS.

Trilha E - RDS Rio Madeira

The 5 km trail is located on the RDS Rio Madeira, on the left bank of the Madeira River, in the municipality of Novo Aripuanã. The trail was opened in September 2010 to collect fauna and flora data for the preparation of the Conservation Unit Management Plan. This work was carried out within the Purus-Madeira Initiative project, hired by SDS.

FLONA Tapajós


The Tapajós National Forest is a federal nature conservation unit located in the Amazon, created through Decree No. 73.684, of February 19, 1974.

It currently has an area of 527,319 hectares. A UC covers the municipalities of Aveiro, Belterra, Placas and Rurópolis, in the western state of Pará.

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