
Study reveals first estimate of alligator density of the species Paleosuchus palpebrosus

"Density and Biomass Estimates by Removal for an Amazonian Crocodilian, Paleosuchus palpebrosus". - PLOS ONE.
P. palpebrosus is a species of alligator known to occur in flooded forests in central Amazonia. This study estimated the density and biomass for the complete capture of all individuals of this species in an area of 5.6 square kilometers, near the Santo Antônio hydroelectric plant, on the Madeira River in Rondônia.

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"Research Program on Biodiversity (PPBio). 2012. PPBio data repository. Date of extraction [dd,mm,yyyy]"
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1. Belovsky, G.E., Botkin, D.B., Crowl, T.A., Cummins, K.W., Franklin, J.F., Hunter Jr., M. L., Joern, A., Lindenmayer, D.B., MacMahon, J.A., Margules, C.R., Scott, J.M. 2004. Ten suggestions to strengthen the science of Ecology. BioScience: Vol. 54, No. 4: 345-351.

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